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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing B, E, H, I, P and T

ALPHABETICalphabetic adj. Of or relating to an alphabet, especially the characters A to Z, both uppercase and lowercase.
ALPHABETIC adj. arranged in the order of the letters of the alphabet, also ALPHABETICAL.
BAPHOMETICBaphometic adj. Relating to Baphomet.
BAPHOMETIC adj. relating to Baphomet, a mysterious idol worshipped by the Templars.
BATTLESHIPbattleship n. (Military, nautical) A large capital warship displacing thousands to tens of thousands of tons, heavily…
battleship n. (Military, nautical, archaic) A ship of the line.
battleship n. A non-functional rocket stage, used for configuration and integration tests.
BETHUMPINGbethumping v. Present participle of bethump.
BETHUMP v. to thump soundly.
BIRTHPLACEbirthplace n. The location where a person was born.
birthplace n. (By extension) The location where something was created or devised.
BIRTHPLACE n. a place of birth or origin.
BISULPHATEbisulphate n. (Inorganic chemistry) Alternative spelling of bisulfate.
BISULPHATE n. a salt containing double the proportion of the acid radical present in a sulphate, also BISULFATE.
BISULPHITEbisulphite n. (Inorganic chemistry, Britain) Alternative spelling of bisulfite.
BISULPHITE n. a salt or ester of sulphurous acid containing the monovalent group, also BISULFITE.
BUTLERSHIPbutlership n. The rank, office, or position of a butler.
BUTLERSHIP n. the office of a butler.
HOSPITABLEhospitable adj. Cordial and generous towards guests.
hospitable adj. Receptive and open-minded.
hospitable adj. Favorable.
HYPERBATIChyperbatic adj. Of or pertaining to a hyperbaton; transposed; inverted.
HYPERBATIC adj. of or pertaining to a hyperbaton.
PHLEBOLITEphlebolite n. Alternative form of phlebolith.
PHLEBOLITE n. a calcareous concretion found in a vein.
PITCHBENDSPITCHBEND n. a device that enables a player to bend the pitch of a note on a synthesiser.
PROHIBITEDprohibited adj. Forbidden; unallowed.
prohibited v. Simple past tense and past participle of prohibit.
PROHIBIT v. to forbid with authority.
PROHIBITERprohibiter n. One who prohibits or forbids.
PROHIBITER n. one who prohibits, also PROHIBITOR.
SUPERBITCHsuperbitch n. (Informal, vulgar) A particularly malicious or powerful bitch (unpleasant woman).
SUPERBITCH n. (offensive) a highly-placed aggressive female.
THEOPHOBIAtheophobia n. The fear of God or gods.
THEOPHOBIA n. fear of God.
THUMBPIECEthumbpiece n. Part of an object to accommodate a person’s thumb, such as on the ornamental handle of a tankard.
THUMBPIECE n. a piece that is pressed by the thumb or receives the thumb.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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