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There are 20 ten-letter words containing B, 2E, H, O and T

BATHOMETERbathometer n. An instrument that measures the depth of water, used especially to measure the depth of ocean water.
BATHOMETER n. an instrument for measuring depths, esp. one for taking soundings without a sounding line.
BEDCLOTHESbedclothes n. Sheets, blankets, quilts or other coverings used on a bed.
bedclothes n. Clothing worn to bed.
bed-clothes n. Alternative form of bedclothes.
BESMOOTHEDbesmoothed v. Simple past tense and past participle of besmooth.
BESMOOTH v. to make smooth.
BETROTHEDSbetrotheds n. Plural of betrothed.
BETROTHED n. one who is engaged to be married.
BLITHESOMEblithesome adj. Happy or spriteful; carefree.
BLITHESOME adj. gay, merry.
BOTCHERIESbotcheries n. Plural of botchery.
BOTCHERY n. something botched.
BOTHERSOMEbothersome adj. Causing trouble, annoyance, inconvenience, irritation, or perplexity.
BOTHERSOME adj. causing bother.
BROADSHEETbroadsheet n. A newspaper having pages of standard dimensions (as opposed to a tabloid), especially one that carries…
broadsheet adj. In the format of a broadsheet.
broadsheet adj. Relating to a broadsheet or broadsheets.
BROCHETTESbrochettes n. Plural of brochette.
BROCHETTE n. (French) a skewer for holding food steady while cooking.
COHABITEEScohabitees n. Plural of cohabitee.
COHABITEE n. one who is cohabited with.
HEARTBROKEheartbroke adj. (Dialect or nonstandard) heartbroken.
HEARTBREAK v. to cause intense grief to.
HEBETATIONhebetation n. The act of making blunt, dull, or stupid.
hebetation n. The state of being blunted or dulled.
HEBETATION n. the act of making blunt, dull, or stupid.
HEREABOUTShereabouts adv. Near here.
HEREABOUTS adv. in the local area, also HEREABOUT.
HERIOTABLEheriotable adj. Subject to the payment of a heriot.
HERIOTABLE adj. subject to the payment of a heriot.
OUTBREATHEoutbreathe v. (Transitive) To exhaust or deprive of breath.
outbreathe v. (Transitive) To breathe out; expire.
outbreathe v. (Intransitive) To issue as a breath; exhale.
PHLEBOLITEphlebolite n. Alternative form of phlebolith.
PHLEBOLITE n. a calcareous concretion found in a vein.
THEREABOUTthereabout adv. About or near that place.
thereabout adv. About or around that date or time.
thereabout adv. About or near to that condition or quality.
TUMBLEHOMEtumblehome n. (Nautical) The inward curve of the topsides of some ship hulls.
tumble␣home v. (Nautical) To incline inward, as the sides of a vessel, above the bends or extreme breadth.
TUMBLEHOME n. the inward curvature of the upper parts of the sides of a vessel at or near the stern.
UNBOTHEREDunbothered adj. Not bothered, serene.
WHEREABOUTwhereabout adv. (Archaic) About which; concerning which.
whereabout adv. About where. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
WHEREABOUT n. one's (approximate) location, also WHEREABOUTS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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