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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 12 ten-letter words containing B, 2E, G, O and U

BLUDGEONEDbludgeoned v. Simple past tense and past participle of bludgeon.
BLUDGEON v. to hit with a club.
BLUDGEONERbludgeoner n. One who bludgeons.
BLUDGEONER n. one who bludgeons.
BLUETONGUEbluetongue n. A disease of ruminants, caused by Bluetongue virus of the genus Orbivirus, carried by mosquitos, midges etc.
blue-tongue n. (Australia) blue-tongue lizard.
BLUETONGUE n. an Australian lizard.
BODEGUEROSbodegueros n. Plural of bodeguero.
BODEGUERO n. (Spanish) a man who owns or runs a bodega.
BOURGEOISEbourgeoise n. A female member of the bourgeoisie; a wealthy woman.
BOURGEOISE n. (French) a female bourgeois.
BOURGEONEDbourgeoned v. Simple past tense and past participle of bourgeon.
BOURGEON v. (obsolete) to sprout; to put forth bud, also BURGEON.
BROGUERIESBROGUERY n. the use of an Irish accent.
BUNGLESOMEbunglesome adj. Characterised or marked by bungling; ungainly; awkward; incompetent.
BUNGLESOME adj. clumsy, awkward.
DISEMBOGUEdisembogue v. To come out into the open sea from a river etc.
disembogue v. (Of a river or waters) To pour out, to debouch; to flow out through a narrow opening into a larger space.
DISEMBOGUE v. (Spanish) to discharge or pour forth from the mouth (as from a river).
HAUBERGEONhaubergeon n. Alternative form of habergeon.
HAUBERGEON n. a sleeveless mail coat, shorter than a hauberk, also HABERGEON.
SUBCOLLEGEsubcollege n. A college making up part of a larger institution such as a university.
SUBCOLLEGE n. an institution of higher learning, especially one providing a general or liberal arts education rather than technical or professional training.
UNBEGOTTENunbegotten adj. Not begotten.
UNBEGET v. to undo the begetting of.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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