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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing B, 3E, N and O

AZOBENZENEazobenzene n. (Organic chemistry) An aromatic azo compound, diphenyl diazene, the basis of many dyes.
AZOBENZENE n. a dye containing an azo compound.
BENEVOLENTbenevolent adj. Having a disposition to do good.
benevolent adj. Possessing or manifesting love for mankind.
benevolent adj. Altruistic, charitable, good, just and fair.
BIODEFENSEbiodefense n. Any defensive measure taken against an attack using bacteria, viruses or toxins.
BIOGENESESbiogeneses n. Plural of biogenesis.
BIOGENESIS n. the theory that all life is derived from living matter alone.
BONEHEADEDboneheaded adj. (Slang) Resembling or characteristic of a bonehead.
BONEHEADED adj. stupid.
BONESETTERbonesetter n. One who realigns broken or disjointed bones.
BONESETTER n. one who sets broken or dislocated bones.
CHEEKBONEScheekbones n. Plural of cheekbone.
cheek-bones n. Plural of cheek-bone.
cheek␣bones n. Plural of cheek bone.
EBOULEMENTéboulement n. A mass of debris or shingle.
éboulement n. The falling in of the wall of a fortification.
éboulement n. A landslide or landslip.
EMBOLDENEDemboldened adj. Having been made bold.
emboldened v. Simple past tense and past participle of embolden.
EMBOLDEN v. to instil with courage, also IMBOLDEN.
EMBOLDENERemboldener n. One who, or that which, emboldens.
EMBOLDENER n. one who emboldens.
ENDAMOEBAEendamoebae n. Plural of endamoeba.
ENDAMOEBA n. (Greek) a parasitic amoeba, also ENDAMEBA.
ENTAMOEBAEentamoebae n. Plural of entamoeba.
ENTAMOEBA n. (Greek) an amoeba that causes amoebic dysentery, also ENDAMEBA, ENDAMOEBA, ENTAMEBA.
GREENBONESgreenbones n. Plural of greenbone.
GREENBONE n. a garfish; a viviparous blenny.
NONBREEDERnonbreeder n. One who is not a breeder.
NONBREEDER n. an animal that does not breed.
NOSEBLEEDSnosebleeds n. Plural of nosebleed.
nosebleeds n. (Informal) The nosebleed seats.
nose␣bleeds n. Plural of nose bleed.
OBEDIENCESobediences n. Plural of obedience.
OBEDIENCE n. the act or practice of doing what one is told.
OVERBEATENoverbeaten v. Past participle of overbeat.
OVERBEAT v. to beat too much.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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