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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing B, 3E, G and I

BEEKEEPINGbeekeeping n. The practice or profession of keeping and caring for bees.
BEEKEEPING n. the act of keeping bees.
BEESWINGEDbeeswinged adj. Of wine: having the filmy, translucent crust called beeswing.
beeswinged adj. (By extension) Covered with a filmy layer.
BEESWINGED adj. of wine, so old as to show beeswing, a crust.
BEFINGEREDbefingered v. Simple past tense and past participle of befinger.
BEFINGER v. to touch all over.
BEJEWELINGbejeweling v. Present participle of bejewel.
BEJEWEL v. to adorn with jewels.
BESEECHINGbeseeching v. Present participle of beseech.
beseeching n. A heartfelt plea.
BESEECHING n. the act of imploring.
BESEEMINGSbeseemings n. Plural of beseeming.
BESEEMING n. the act of befitting.
BESPEEDINGbespeeding v. Present participle of bespeed.
BESPEED v. to help on.
BIOGENESESbiogeneses n. Plural of biogenesis.
BIOGENESIS n. the theory that all life is derived from living matter alone.
EMBIGGENEDembiggened v. Simple past tense and past participle of embiggen.
EMBIGGEN v. to make bigger or more expansive.
ENFEEBLINGenfeebling v. Present participle of enfeeble.
enfeebling adj. Causing enfeeblement.
ENFEEBLE v. to make feeble.
GREENBRIERgreenbrier n. Any of several American prickly woody vines of the genus Smilax; the catbrier.
GREENBRIER n. any of a genus of woody or herbaceous vines of the lily family.
INSELBERGEinselberge n. Plural of inselberg.
INSELBERG n. (German) an isolated mountain or hill rising abruptly from its surrounding, aka monadnock.
REBREEDINGrebreeding v. Present participle of rebreed.
REBREED v. to breed again.
REELIGIBLEreeligible adj. Eligible again; capable of reelection.
reëligible adj. Rare spelling of reeligible.
REELIGIBLE adj. eligible again, as, reeligible to the same office.
SHEBEENINGshebeening v. Present participle of shebeen.
SHEBEENING n. keeping in a shebeen.
TELEBRIDGEtelebridge n. A kind of teleconference that connects groups of people in different countries by means of satellite television.
TELEBRIDGE n. a television broadcast of a discussion between studio audiences in different countries linked by satellite.
ZEITGEBERSzeitgebers n. Plural of zeitgeber.
ZEITGEBER n. (German) an environmental cue, such as light, that helps to regulate the biological clock in an organism.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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