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There are 20 ten-letter words containing B, D, I, M, S and U

ABDOMINOUSabdominous adj. Having a protuberant belly; potbellied.
ABDOMINOUS adj. potbellied.
ABSURDISMSabsurdisms n. Plural of absurdism.
ABSURDISM n. the doctrine that we live in an irrational universe.
BESMUDGINGbesmudging v. Present participle of besmudge.
BESMUDGE v. to cover with smudges.
CYMBIDIUMScymbidiums n. Plural of cymbidium.
CYMBIDIUM n. a kind of tropical orchid.
DISCUMBERSdiscumbers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of discumber.
DISCUMBER v. (archaic) to free of encumbrance, also DISENCUMBER.
DISEMBOGUEdisembogue v. To come out into the open sea from a river etc.
disembogue v. (Of a river or waters) To pour out, to debouch; to flow out through a narrow opening into a larger space.
DISEMBOGUE v. (Spanish) to discharge or pour forth from the mouth (as from a river).
DUMBSIZINGdumbsizing v. Present participle of dumbsize.
DUMBSIZE v. to reduce the size of a workforce so low that the work cannot be done effectively.
MIDIBUSSESMIDIBUS n. a single-decker bus of medium size, typically with seats for between 20 and 30 passengers.
MISDOUBTEDmisdoubted v. Simple past tense and past participle of misdoubt.
MISDOUBT v. to be suspicious of.
MOUNDBIRDSmoundbirds n. Plural of moundbird.
MOUNDBIRD n. an Australian bird laying eggs in mounds.
MOUSEBIRDSmousebirds n. Plural of mousebird.
MOUSEBIRD n. another name for the coly, an African bird.
REIMBURSEDreimbursed v. Simple past tense and past participle of reimburse.
REIMBURSE v. to repay.
SUBKINGDOMsubkingdom n. (Taxonomy) A taxonomic category below kingdom and above superphylum.
subkingdom n. (Uncommon) A kingdom that is part of another kingdom, ruled by a subking.
SUBKINGDOM n. a taxonomic division of a kingdom; a phylum.
SUBLIMATEDsublimated v. Simple past tense and past participle of sublimate.
SUBLIMATE v. to cause to pass directly from the solid to the vapor state and condense back to solid form.
SUBLIMISEDsublimised v. Simple past tense and past participle of sublimise.
SUBLIMISE v. to make sublime, also SUBLIMIZE.
SUBLIMIZEDsublimized v. Simple past tense and past participle of sublimize.
SUBLIMIZE v. to make sublime, also SUBLIMISE.
SUBMARINEDsubmarined v. Simple past tense and past participle of submarine.
SUBMARINE v. to travel by submarine.
SUBMEDIANTsubmediant n. (Music) The sixth note of a scale, shown as VI.
SUBMEDIANT n. the sixth degree of the diatonic scale, e.g. A in the scale of C major.
UNDERBRIMSunderbrims n. Plural of underbrim.
UNDERBRIM n. a facing on the underside of a hat brim.
UNSUBLIMEDunsublimed adj. Not sublimed.
UNSUBLIMED adj. not sublimed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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