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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing B, D, I, L, R and W

BEWILDEREDbewildered adj. Baffled, confused, mystified, at a loss, not thinking clearly, or uncertain.
bewildered v. Simple past tense and past participle of bewilder.
BEWILDER v. to confuse.
BLINDWORMSblindworms n. Plural of blindworm.
BLINDWORM n. a slowworm.
BOWDLERISEbowdlerise v. Alternative form of bowdlerize.
Bowdlerise v. Alternative form of bowdlerize.
BOWDLERISE v. to expurgate a book or writing, by removing whatever might be considered indelicate, esp. to do so unnecessarily, also BOWDLERIZE.
BOWDLERISMbowdlerism n. A policy of bowdlerization, or censorship by removing what is considered indecent.
BOWDLERISM n. the censoring of a literary text.
BOWDLERIZEbowdlerize v. To remove or alter those parts of a text considered offensive, vulgar, or otherwise unseemly.
Bowdlerize v. Alternative form of bowdlerize.
BOWDLERIZE v. to purge literature of all possibly offensive or morally impure material, also BOWDLERISE.
BRAZILWOODbrazilwood n. A Brazilian timber tree (Paubrasilia echinata, syn. Caesalpinia echinata), used primarily to make bows…
brazilwood n. (Uncountable) The wood of this tree.
BRAZILWOOD n. a red tropical wood.
BRIDEWELLSbridewells n. Plural of bridewell.
BRIDEWELL n. a house of correction, a jail.
BRIDLEWAYSbridleways n. Plural of bridleway.
BRIDLEWAY n. a path on which horses may be ridden.
BRIDLEWISEbridlewise adj. (Of a horse) Responsive to the bridle.
BRIDLEWISE adj. of a horse, obedient to the pressure of the reins on the neck rather than to the bit.
BROWNFIELDbrownfield n. (Often attributive) A site, to be used for housing or commerce, that has been previously used for industry…
brownfield adj. (Software engineering) Being a development that has to integrate with legacy systems.
Brownfield prop.n. A surname.
MIDDLEBROWmiddlebrow adj. (Derogatory) Neither highbrow or lowbrow, but somewhere in between.
middlebrow n. A person or thing that is neither highbrow nor lowbrow, but in between.
MIDDLEBROW n. a person who is moderately but not highly cultivated.
MINDBLOWERmindblower n. (Slang) Anything mind-blowing.
MINDBLOWER n. something that blows the mind.
SWORDBILLSswordbills n. Plural of swordbill.
SWORDBILL n. a kind of South American hummingbird.
WATTLEBIRDwattlebird n. Any of a group of Australian birds in the genus Anthochaera of the honeyeater family Meliphagidae.
wattlebird n. Any of three birds in the family Callaeidae, endemic to New Zealand.
WATTLEBIRD n. any one of several species of the honey eater bird.
WHIRLYBIRDwhirlybird n. (Slang) A helicopter.
whirlybird n. (Informal) A samara.
WHIRLYBIRD n. (slang) a helicopter.
YELLOWBIRDyellowbird n. The yellow warbler.
yellowbird n. The American goldfinch.
yellow-bird n. Alternative spelling of yellowbird.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 42 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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