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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 11 ten-letter words containing B, D, 2I, M and N

ALBUMINOIDalbuminoid adj. Of albumin.
albuminoid adj. Like albumen.
albuminoid n. A simple protein of a subclass mainly derived from animal connective or supportive tissue.
AMBITIONEDambitioned adj. Having ambition.
AMBITION v. to seek with eagerness.
BEDIMMINGSBEDIMMING n. the act of making dim.
BEDIMPLINGbedimpling v. Present participle of bedimple.
BEDIMPLE v. to make a small impression in.
BIODYNAMICbiodynamic adj. Of, or relating to the effects of motion on living things.
biodynamic adj. (Anthroposophy, agriculture, pseudoscience) Of, or relating to a form of organic agriculture with mystical…
biodynamic adj. (New Age, psychoanalysis, pseudoscience) Of, or relating to a form of psychotherapy, massage and energy…
BIRDLIMINGbirdliming v. Present participle of birdlime.
BIRDLIME v. to smear or catch (as) with birdlime.
DISLIMBINGdislimbing v. Present participle of dislimb.
DISLIMB v. to tear limb from limb; to dismember.
DUMBSIZINGdumbsizing v. Present participle of dumbsize.
DUMBSIZE v. to reduce the size of a workforce so low that the work cannot be done effectively.
EMBRAIDINGembraiding v. Present participle of embraid.
EMBRAID v. (Spenser) to braid, also EMBREAD.
MINIBUDGETminibudget n. A small budget.
minibudget n. (Chiefly UK, finance) A budget statement proposed by a government between annual budgets, involving…
mini-budget n. Alternative form of minibudget.
MISBINDINGmisbinding v. Present participle of misbind.
MISBIND v. to bind imperfectly.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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