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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing B, D, G, I, O and T

BIGMOUTHEDbigmouthed adj. (Of a person) Loud or talkative, especially in an indiscreet manner.
bigmouthed adj. Having a large mouth.
big-mouthed adj. Alternative spelling of bigmouthed.
BLOODGUILTbloodguilt n. Guilt of wrongfully causing death or shedding blood.
BLOODGUILT n. the guilt of shedding blood, e.g. in murder.
DEORBITINGdeorbiting v. Present participle of deorbit.
DEORBIT v. to come out of orbit.
DOUBTINGLYdoubtingly adv. In a doubting manner.
DOUBTING adv. in a state of doubt.
FOOTBRIDGEfootbridge n. A bridge over a road, railway, river, etc for pedestrians.
FOOTBRIDGE n. a bridge for pedestrians.
GROUNDBAITgroundbait n. Fishing bait that is cast into the water, rather than secured to a hook, in order to attract fish to…
GROUNDBAIT n. bait dropped to the bottom to bring fish to the neighbourhood.
GROUNDBAIT v. to bait with groundbait.
OBDURATINGobdurating v. Present participle of obdurate.
OBDURATE v. to make obdurate, harden physically.
OBSIGNATEDobsignated v. Simple past tense and past participle of obsignate.
OBSIGNATE v. to seal or confirm, also OBSIGN.
OBTRUDINGSobtrudings n. Plural of obtruding.
OBTRUDING n. the act of obtruding.
OUTBIDDINGoutbidding v. Present participle of outbid.
OUTBID v. to bid higher than.
REDOUBTINGredoubting v. Present participle of redoubt.
REDOUBT v. (archaic) to fear.
TOBOGGINEDtoboggined v. Simple past tense and past participle of toboggin.
TOBOGGIN v. to travel by toboggin.
TOLLBRIDGEtollbridge n. Alternative form of toll bridge.
toll␣bridge n. A bridge at which a toll is charged for passage.
TOLLBRIDGE n. a bridge where tolls are collected.
UNDOUBTINGundoubting adj. (Of persons, states of mind, beliefs, etc.) Experiencing or harboring no doubts; entirely confident.
UNDOUBTING adj. not doubting.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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