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There are 19 ten-letter words containing B, C, 2O, P and R

ACROPHOBESacrophobes n. Plural of acrophobe.
ACROPHOBE n. someone with an abnormal fear of heights.
ACROPHOBIAacrophobia n. Phobia or strong fear of being high above ground level.
ACROPHOBIA n. fear of heights.
ACROPHOBICacrophobic adj. Of or pertaining to or suffering from acrophobia.
acrophobic n. A person who has acrophobia.
ACROPHOBIC adj. suffering from acrophobia, fear of heights.
AEROPHOBICaerophobic adj. Having a fear of flying in aircraft.
aerophobic adj. Disliking or avoiding air.
AEROPHOBIC adj. having a morbid fear of draughts or of flying.
AMBOCEPTORamboceptor n. (Obsolete) Synonym of hemolysin.
AMBOCEPTOR n. in immunization, an antibody acting as a double receptor.
BAROCEPTORbaroceptor n. Baroreceptor.
BAROCEPTOR n. a sensory receptor sensitive to a pressure stimulus.
BAROSCOPESbaroscopes n. Plural of baroscope.
BAROSCOPE n. a weatherglass.
BAROSCOPICbaroscopic adj. Relating to, or determined by, the baroscope.
BAROSCOPIC adj. relating to a baroscope, a weatherglass.
BIOMORPHICbiomorphic adj. Having the appearance of a biomorph; representing a living organism rather than an artistic or pragmatic ideal.
BIOMORPHIC adj. of or like a biomorph, a representation of a living thing as decoration.
BORESCOPESborescopes n. Plural of borescope.
BORESCOPE n. an optical device, e.g. a prism, used to inspect an inaccessible space e.g. an engine cylinder.
BRACHIOPODbrachiopod n. Any of many marine invertebrates, of the phylum Brachiopoda, that have bivalve dorsal and ventral shells…
BRACHIOPOD n. a bivalve marine invertebrate.
CRYOPROBEScryoprobes n. Plural of cryoprobe.
CRYOPROBE n. a blunt chilled probe used to freeze tissue in cryosurgery.
EUROPHOBICEurophobic adj. Disliking Europe or the European Union.
EUROPHOBIC adj. suffering from europhobia, an irrational fear of Europe and things European.
MICROPROBEmicroprobe n. (Chemistry) An instrument used to determine the chemical composition at a point on a solid surface…
MICROPROBE n. a device that produces a very thin electron beam by which the chemical makeup of various compounds may be examined.
NECROPHOBEnecrophobe n. A person who has a morbid fear of death.
NECROPHOBE n. an organism that eats dead matter.
PROBIOTICSprobiotics n. Plural of probiotic.
PROBIOTIC n. a harmless bacterium that helps to protect the body from harmful bacteria.
PROVOCABLEprovocable adj. That can be provoked.
PROVOCABLE adj. that can be provoked, also PROVOKABLE.
PYROPHOBICpyrophobic adj. Suffering from pyrophobia; afraid of fire.
pyrophobic n. A person who is afraid of fire.
PYROPHOBIC n. one having an irrational fear of fires.
SCRAPBOOKSscrapbooks n. Plural of scrapbook.
scrapbooks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of scrapbook.
scrap␣books n. Plural of scrap book.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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