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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing B, C, 2L, R and U

AMBULACRALambulacral adj. Of or pertaining to an ambulacrum.
ambulacral n. Alternative form of ambulacrum.
AMBULACRAL adj. of or pertaining to ambulacra, as the ambulacral ossicles, plates, spines, and suckers of echinoderms.
BACILLURIAbacilluria n. (Pathology) The discharge of urine containing bacilli.
BACILLURIA n. the presence of bacteria in the urine.
BICULTURALbicultural adj. Adapted to two separate cultures.
bicultural n. A person belonging to two cultures.
BICULTURAL adj. having two cultures.
BULLOCKIERBULLOCKY adj. like a bullock.
CEREBELLUMcerebellum n. (Neuroanatomy) Part of the hindbrain in vertebrates. In humans it lies between the brainstem and the…
CEREBELLUM n. (Latin) the lower posterior part of the brain, whose function is to coordinate voluntary movements and maintain balance.
CIRCULABLEcirculable adj. That may be circulated.
CIRCULABLE adj. capable of being circulated, also CIRCULATABLE.
COLOURABLEcolourable adj. (Obsolete) Colourful.
colourable adj. Apparently true; specious; potentially justifiable.
colourable adj. (Now rare, sometimes law) Deceptive; fake, misleading.
COLOURABLYcolourably adv. Alternative form of colorably.
COLOURABLE adv. that can be coloured, also COLORABLE.
CULTURABLEculturable adj. (Biology) Able to be cultured (grown in a suitable environment).
CULTURABLE adj. that can be cultured.
CURVEBALLScurveballs n. Plural of curveball.
CURVEBALL n. a baseball pitch thrown with spin to make it curve.
CYBERBULLYcyberbully n. A bully who operates online, in cyberspace.
cyberbully v. (Transitive) To bully online.
CYBERBULLY n. one who bullies via the medium of the Internet.
LUMBRICALSlumbricals n. Plural of lumbrical.
LUMBRICAL n. one of certain muscles of the hand and foot used in flexing the digits, also LUMBRICALIS.
RUBICELLESrubicelles n. Plural of rubicelle.
RUBICELLE n. an orange-coloured spinel.
RUBRICALLYrubrically adv. According to a rubric, or religious directions.
RUBRICAL adv. colored in, or marked with, red, placed in rubrics.
SUBCELLARSsubcellars n. Plural of subcellar.
SUBCELLAR n. a subdivision of a cellar.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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