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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 12 ten-letter words containing B, C, 2L, N and O

BIONICALLYbionically adv. In a bionic manner.
bionically adv. With regard to bionics.
BOLLOCKINGbollocking n. (Taboo slang, chiefly non-US) A severe reprimand.
BOLLOCKING n. a reprimand.
BULLOCKINGbullocking v. Present participle of bullock.
bullocking adj. (Colloquial) powerful.
BULLOCK v. to force one's way.
CANNONBALLcannonball n. (Military, weaponry).
cannonball n. (Diving) The act of jumping (typically into a swimming pool) with the legs bent and the arms wrapped…
cannonball n. (Slang, figuratively) Something that moves fast, especially a fast train.
COLLARBONEcollarbone n. The bone joining the shoulder and the breastbone.
collar-bone n. Alternative spelling of collarbone.
collar␣bone n. Alternative spelling of collarbone.
CONSOLABLEconsolable adj. Able or likely to be consoled.
CONSOLABLE adj. capable of receiving consolation.
CORBELLINGcorbelling n. A series of corbels or piece of continuous corbelled masonry.
corbelling v. Present participle of corbel.
CORBELLING n. corbels taken collectively.
ENCLOSABLEenclosable adj. Capable of being enclosed.
ENCLOSABLE adj. that can be enclosed, also INCLOSABLE.
INCLOSABLEinclosable adj. Alternative form of enclosable.
INCLOSABLE adj. capable of being inclosed, also ENCLOSABLE.
INOCULABLEinoculable adj. Capable of being inoculated.
inoculable adj. Capable of transmitting disease, or of being transmitted, by inoculation.
INOCULABLE adj. capable of being inoculated.
UNLOCKABLEunlockable adj. Not capable of being locked.
unlockable adj. Capable of being unlocked.
unlockable n. (Video games) An initially hidden feature that is made available to reward the player for some achievement.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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