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There are 19 ten-letter words containing B, C, H, N, R and U

BRACHYURANbrachyuran adj. Of or pertaining to crabs.
brachyuran n. (Zoology) A crab.
BRACHYURAN n. any member of the Brachyura, a group of decapod crustaceans.
BRAUNCHINGbraunching v. Present participle of braunch.
BRAUNCH v. to spread like a tree branch, also BRANCH.
BUCKTHORNSbuckthorns n. Plural of buckthorn.
BUCKTHORN n. a shrub of the Rhamnus genus.
BUNCHBERRYbunchberry n. Either of two species of dwarf dogwoods…
bunchberry n. The fruit of either of these plants.
BUNCHBERRY n. the dwarf cornel, which bears a dense cluster of bright red, edible berries.
BUNCHGRASSbunchgrass n. Any of various grasses of the family Poaceae that grow in clumps rather than forming a sod or mat.
BUNCHGRASS n. a kind of West American grass, that grows in clumps.
BUTCHERINGbutchering v. Present participle of butcher.
butchering n. The act by which someone or something is butchered; a slaughter or killing.
BUTCHERING n. slaughtering.
CARNAHUBAScarnahubas n. Plural of carnahuba.
CARNAHUBA n. (Portuguese) a Brazilian palm tree yielding a fine yellowish wax, also CARNAUBA.
CHAIRBOUNDchairbound adj. Unable to leave one’s chair, or confined to a wheelchair.
CHAIRBOUND adj. confined to a chair.
CRUNCHABLEcrunchable adj. That can be crunched.
CRUNCHABLE adj. that can be crunched.
LUNCHBREAKlunchbreak n. A period of rest from work for the purpose of eating lunch.
lunch␣break n. Alternative form of lunchbreak.
LUNCHBREAK n. a break for lunch.
NUDIBRANCHnudibranch n. A sea slug belonging to the order Nudibranchia.
NUDIBRANCH n. a member of the Nudibranchiata, sea slugs, also NUDIBRANCHIATE.
PUNCHBOARDpunchboard n. A board, having a number of holes filled with slips of paper, once used as a form of lottery.
PUNCHBOARD n. a practice board used in the martial arts.
SUBCHANTERsubchanter n. An underchanter; a precentor’s deputy in a cathedral; a succentor.
SUBCHANTER n. a precentor's deputy; an officer or lay member of a cathedral who assists in chanting the litany.
SUBPHRENICsubphrenic adj. (Anatomy) Below the diaphragm.
SUBPHRENIC adj. placed below the midriff.
TURNBROACHturnbroach n. (Obsolete) A turnspit.
TURNBROACH n. a turnspit.
UNBRANCHEDunbranched adj. Having no branches.
unbranched adj. (Organic chemistry) straight-chain.
un-branched adj. (Nonstandard) Alternative form of unbranched.
UNBREACHEDunbreached adj. Not breached; intact.
UNBREACHED adj. not breached.
UNBREECHEDunbreeched adj. Not wearing breeches.
UNBREECH v. to remove the breeches of.
UNBREECHESunbreeches v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unbreech.
UNBREECH v. to remove the breeches of.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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