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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing B, C, E, P, S and T

ASPECTABLEaspectable adj. Capable of being seen; visible.
ASPECTABLE adj. (archaic) visible; worth looking at.
BACKPLATESbackplates n. Plural of backplate.
BACKPLATE n. a piece of armour for the back.
BATHYSCAPEbathyscape n. Alternative form of bathyscaphe.
BATHYSCAPE n. a submersible observation chamber.
BUTTERCUPSbuttercups n. Plural of buttercup.
BUTTERCUP n. a crowfoot (genus Ranunculus), esp. of one of those species that have golden-yellow cup-shaped flowers.
CARPETBAGScarpetbags n. Plural of carpetbag.
CARPETBAG n. a travelling-bag made of carpeting.
EPIBLASTICepiblastic adj. Of, or relating to the epiblast.
EPIBLASTIC adj. of or relating to, or consisting of, the epiblast.
PECTISABLEPECTISABLE adj. that can be pectised, also PECTIZABLE.
PITCHBENDSPITCHBEND n. a device that enables a player to bend the pitch of a note on a synthesiser.
PLEBISCITEplebiscite n. A referendum, especially one that concerns changes in sovereignty.
PLEBISCITE n. a direct vote of the whole nation or of the people of a district on a special point.
PREBIOTICSprebiotics n. Plural of prebiotic.
PREBIOTIC n. a natural substances in some foods that encourage the growth of healthy bacteria in the gut.
SUBCEPTIONSUBCEPTION n. subliminal perception.
SUBCHAPTERsubchapter n. A subsection of a chapter.
SUBCHAPTER n. a subordinate part of a chapter.
SUBOCTUPLEsuboctuple adj. (Obsolete) Containing one part of eight; in the ratio of one to eight.
SUBOCTUPLE adj. containing one part of eight; having the ratio of one to eight.
SUBPOTENCYsubpotency n. The quality of being subpotent.
SUBPOTENCY n. the state (in a drug) of being subpotent, having less than normal potency.
SUBPREFECTsubprefect n. The executive of a subprefecture.
SUBPREFECT n. one ranking below a prefect.
SUBPROJECTsubproject n. A project within a larger project.
SUBPROJECT n. part of a project.
SUPERBITCHsuperbitch n. (Informal, vulgar) A particularly malicious or powerful bitch (unpleasant woman).
SUPERBITCH n. (offensive) a highly-placed aggressive female.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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