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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing B, C, E, L and 2T

ATTACHABLEattachable adj. Able to be attached.
ATTACHABLE adj. that can be attached.
ATTACKABLEattackable adj. Which may be attacked.
ATTACKABLE adj. capable of being attacked.
BALCONETTEbalconette n. (Architecture) A false balcony, or railing at the outer plane of a window-opening reaching to the floor…
balconette n. (Rare) A small balcony.
balconette n. Synonym of balcony bra.
BLOTCHIESTblotchiest adj. Superlative form of blotchy: most blotchy.
BLOTCHY adj. covered with blotches.
BOTTLENECKbottleneck n. The narrow portion that forms the pouring spout of a bottle; the neck of a bottle.
bottleneck n. (Figurative) In traffic, any narrowing of the road, especially resulting in a delay.
bottleneck n. (By extension) The part of a process that is too slow or cumbersome.
CABALETTAScabalettas n. Plural of cabaletta.
CABALETTA n. (Italian) a simple operatic song or melody in rondo form.
CATABOLITEcatabolite n. (Biochemistry) Any substance produced during catabolism.
CATABOLITE n. a product of catabolism, destructive chemical processes in living creatures.
COBALTITEScobaltites n. Plural of cobaltite.
COBALTITE n. a mineral of a nearly silver-white color, composed of arsenic, sulphur, and cobalt, also COBALTINE.
CUTTLEBONEcuttlebone n. Cuttlefish bone.
CUTTLEBONE n. the internal shell of the cuttlefish, used for making tooth-powder, for polishing the softer metals and for cage-birds to sharpen their beaks on.
DETECTABLEdetectable adj. That which can be detected, noticeable.
DETECTABLE adj. that can be detected, also DETECTIBLE.
DETECTABLYdetectably adv. In a way that can be detected.
DETECTIBLEdetectible adj. Able to be detected.
DETECTIBLE adj. that can be detected, also DETECTABLE.
ECTOBLASTSectoblasts n. Plural of ectoblast.
ECTOBLAST n. the outer layer of the blastoderm, also EPIBLAST.
TABLECLOTHtablecloth n. A cloth used to cover and protect a table, especially for a dining table.
table-cloth n. Alternative form of tablecloth.
table␣cloth n. Alternative spelling of tablecloth (A cloth used to cover a table).
TURTLEBACKturtleback n. Anything having the shape of a turtle’s back (that is, its shell).
turtleback n. (Nautical) A convex deck at the bow or stern of a vessel, designed to shed seawater quickly.
turtleback n. (Military, nautical) An armor layout with an armored deck which slopes downwards towards the sides of…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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