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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 10 ten-letter words containing B, C, E, F, L and O

CLOFIBRATEclofibrate n. (Pharmacology) A compound C12H15ClO3 used especially to lower abnormally high concentrations of fats…
CLOFIBRATE n. a lipid-lowering drug that is used to reduce high levels of fat and cholesterol.
CLUBFOOTEDclubfooted adj. Having a clubfoot.
club-footed adj. Possessing or characteristic of a clubfoot.
CLUBFOOTED adj. having a clubfoot.
CODIFIABLEcodifiable adj. Capable of being codified.
CODIFIABLE adj. capable of being codified.
CONFINABLEconfinable adj. Able to be confined.
CONFINABLE adj. capable of being confined, also CONFINEABLE.
CONFUSABLEconfusable adj. Able to be confused.
confusable n. A word or phrase that is easily confused with another.
CONFUSABLE adj. liable to be confused.
CONFUSIBLEconfusible adj. Alternative spelling of confusable.
CONFUSIBLE n. something liable to be confused.
CONFUTABLEconfutable adj. (Archaic or formal) That can be confuted, i.e. shown to be false; disprovable.
CONFUTABLE adj. that may be confuted.
FACTORABLEfactorable adj. (Mathematics) Capable of being factored. For integers synonyms are composite, non-prime.
FACTORABLE adj. that can be factored.
OLFACTIBLEolfactible adj. Having an odor; capable of being smelled.
OLFACTIBLE adj. able to be smelled.
UNFORCIBLEunforcible adj. (Archaic) Without strength.
UNFORCIBLE adj. that cannot be forced.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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