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There are 19 ten-letter words containing B, C, D, S, T and U

ABDUCENTESabducentes n. Plural of abducens.
ABDUCENS n. (Latin) a cranial nerve.
ABDUCTIONSabductions n. Plural of abduction.
ABDUCTION n. the act of abducing or abducting.
ABDUCTORESabductores n. Plural of abductor.
ABDUCTOR n. a person who abducts.
BENEDICTUSBenedictus n. (Western Christianity) The Gospel canticle of Zechariah (Luke 1:68–79), with the incipit Benedictus…
Benedictus n. (Western Christianity) The second part of the Sanctus, beginning, Benedictus qui venit in nomine domini…
Benedictus n. (Music) The music that accompanies either of the above.
BESMUTCHEDbesmutched v. Simple past tense and past participle of besmutch.
BESMUTCH v. (archaic) to soil, besmirch.
BUSTICATEDbusticated v. Simple past tense and past participle of busticate.
BUSTICATE v. (colloquial) to break.
BYPRODUCTSbyproducts n. Plural of byproduct.
by-products n. Plural of by-product.
BYPRODUCT n. a secondary product.
CLOUDBURSTcloudburst n. A sudden heavy rainstorm.
cloud-burst n. Alternative form of cloudburst.
cloud␣burst n. Alternative form of cloudburst.
DUMBSTRUCKdumbstruck adj. So shocked as to be unable to speak.
DUMBSTRUCK adj. made silent by astonishment, also DUMBSTRICKEN.
OBFUSCATEDobfuscated v. Simple past tense and past participle of obfuscate.
obfuscated adj. Having undergone obfuscation.
obfuscated adj. (Archaic, slang) Drunk.
OBSTRUCTEDobstructed v. Simple past tense and past participle of obstruct.
OBSTRUCT v. to get in the way of.
SUBACIDITYsubacidity n. The quality of being subacid.
SUBACIDITY n. the state of being subacid.
SUBCORDATEsubcordate adj. Somewhat cordate; approaching a heart shape.
SUBCORDATE adj. somewhat cordate; somewhat like a heart in shape.
SUBDIALECTsubdialect n. A subdivision of a dialect.
SUBDIALECT n. a subdivision of a dialect.
SUBDUCTINGsubducting v. Present participle of subduct.
SUBDUCT v. to withdraw; to take away, also SUBDUCE.
SUBDUCTIONsubduction n. The action of being pushed or drawn beneath another object.
subduction n. (Geology) The process of one tectonic plate moving beneath another and sinking into the mantle at a…
subduction n. The act of subducting or taking away.
SUBPRODUCTsubproduct n. Byproduct.
SUBPRODUCT n. a subsidiary product.
SUBTRACTEDsubtracted v. Simple past tense and past participle of subtract.
SUBTRACT v. to take away, also SUBSTRACT.
TUBIFICIDStubificids n. Plural of tubificid.
TUBIFICID n. a tubifex, a freshwater tubicolous worm used as bait.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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