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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing 2B, I, 2S and U

BABIROUSSAbabiroussa n. A large hoglike quadruped, of the genus Babyrousa, found in the East Indies, sometimes domesticated;…
BABIROUSSA n. (Malay) a large hoglike quadruped of the East Indies, also BABIRUSA, BABIRUSSA.
BABIRUSSASbabirussas n. Plural of babirussa.
BABIRUSSA n. (Malay) a large hoglike quadruped of the East Indies, also BABIROUSSA, BABIRUSA.
BUSHBABIESbushbabies n. Plural of bushbaby.
bush␣babies n. Plural of bush baby.
BUSHBABY n. a small African tree-living primate with large eyes.
BUSYBODIESbusybodies n. Plural of busybody.
busybodies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of busybody.
busy␣bodies n. Plural of busy body.
CHUBBINESSchubbiness n. The state or quality of being chubby.
CHUBBINESS n. the state of being chubby.
CLUBBINESSclubbiness n. The state or quality of being clubby, of resembling a small, selective group.
CLUBBINESS n. the state of being clubby, sociable.
GRUBBINESSgrubbiness n. The characteristic or quality of being grubby.
GRUBBINESS n. the state of being grubby.
RUBBERISESrubberises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of rubberise.
RUBBERISE v. to coat with rubber, also RUBBERIZE.
SCRUBBIESTscrubbiest adj. Superlative form of scrubby: most scrubby.
SCRUBBY adj. inferior in size or quality.
SCRUBBINGSscrubbings n. Plural of scrubbing.
SCRUBBING n. the act of scrubbing.
SHRUBBIESTshrubbiest adj. Superlative form of shrubby: most shrubby.
SHRUBBY adj. covered with shrubs.
SNUBBINESSsnubbiness n. The state or condition of being snubby.
SNUBBINESS n. the quality of being snubby, inclined to snub or check.
SQUABBIESTSQUABBY adj. short and thick, also SQUAB, SQUABBISH.
SQUIBBINGSsquibbings n. Plural of squibbing.
SQUIBBING n. the act of squibbing, lampooning.
STUBBINESSstubbiness n. The state or condition of being stubby.
STUBBINESS n. the state of being stubby.
STUBBLIESTstubbliest adj. Superlative form of stubbly: most stubbly.
STUBBLY adj. covered with stubble.
SUBSCRIBEDsubscribed v. Simple past tense and past participle of subscribe.
SUBSCRIBE v. to write underneath, as one's name; to sign (one's name) to a document.
SUBSCRIBERsubscriber n. A person who subscribes to a publication or a service.
subscriber n. (Programming) A system or component that subscribes to something, such as an event, made available by a publisher.
SUBSCRIBER n. one who subscribes.
SUBSCRIBESsubscribes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of subscribe.
SUBSCRIBE v. to write underneath, as one's name; to sign (one's name) to a document.
SUBVISIBLEsubvisible adj. Below the threshold of visibility.
SUBVISIBLE adj. below the threshold of visibility.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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