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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing 2B, I, L and 2S

BIBLICISMSbiblicisms n. Plural of biblicism.
BIBLICISM n. learning or literature relating to the Bible.
BIBLICISTSbiblicists n. Plural of biblicist.
BIBLICIST n. one skilled in the knowledge of the Bible.
BOBSLEIGHSbobsleighs n. Plural of bobsleigh.
BOBSLEIGH n. a short sledge.
CABBALISMScabbalisms n. Plural of cabbalism.
CABBALISTScabbalists n. Plural of cabbalist.
CABBALIST n. one who practices cabbalism, also CABALIST, KABALIST, KABBALIST, QABALIST.
CLUBBINESSclubbiness n. The state or quality of being clubby, of resembling a small, selective group.
CLUBBINESS n. the state of being clubby, sociable.
FLABBINESSflabbiness n. The characteristic or quality of being flabby.
FLABBINESS n. the quality of being flabby.
KABBALISMSKABBALISM n. the secret science of the cabalists, also CABALISM, CABBALISM, KABALISM, QABALISM.
KABBALISTSkabbalists n. Plural of kabbalist.
KABBALIST n. one who practises kabbalism, also CABALIST, CABBALIST, KABALIST, QABALIST.
SCRIBBLERSscribblers n. Plural of scribbler.
SCRIBBLER n. one who scribbles.
SLABBINESSslabbiness n. The quality of being slabby; sliminess, muddiness.
slabbiness n. The quality of being composed of or resembling slabs.
SLABBINESS n. the state of being slabby.
SNOBBISHLYsnobbishly adv. In a snobbish manner.
SNOBBISH adv. characteristic of a snob.
STUBBLIESTstubbliest adj. Superlative form of stubbly: most stubbly.
STUBBLY adj. covered with stubble.
SUBVISIBLEsubvisible adj. Below the threshold of visibility.
SUBVISIBLE adj. below the threshold of visibility.
WABBLINESSSorry, definition not available.
WOBBLINESSwobbliness n. The state of being wobbly.
WOBBLINESS n. the state of being wobbly.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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