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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing 2B, E, N, O and T

ABSORBENTSabsorbents n. Plural of absorbent.
ABSORBENT n. an absorbent substance, also ABSORBANT.
BARBITONESbarbitones n. Plural of barbitone.
BARBITONE n. a sleep-inducing drug, aka veronal, also BARBITAL.
BARBOTINESbarbotines n. Plural of barbotine.
BARBOTINE n. (French) a paste of clay used in decorating coarse pottery in relief.
BEATBOXINGbeatboxing n. The practice of using one’s mouth, lips, tongue, voice, etc. as a percussive instrument to create beats…
beatboxing v. Present participle of beatbox.
beat-boxing n. Alternative form of beatboxing.
BLUEBONNETbluebonnet n. Alternative form of blue bonnet.
blue␣bonnet n. A traditional flat Scottish hat made of blue wool; a blue tam-o’-shanter.
blue␣bonnet n. Someone who wears such a hat; a Scotsman, especially a Scottish soldier.
BOMBINATEDbombinated v. Simple past tense and past participle of bombinate.
BOMBINATE v. to buzz, drone, also BOMBILATE.
BOMBINATESbombinates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bombinate.
BOMBINATE v. to buzz, drone, also BOMBILATE.
BONKBUSTERbonkbuster n. (Slang) a popular novel involving frequent explicit sexual encounters, normally in a contemporary setting.
BONKBUSTER n. a work of popular fiction centering on erotic encounters.
BREASTBONEbreastbone n. (Anatomy) The central narrow bone in the front of the chest, connecting the collarbone and the top ribs.
breast␣bone n. Alternative spelling of breastbone.
BREASTBONE n. the large bone of the breast, aka sternum.
BRONTOBYTEbrontobyte n. (Informal, computing) 1027 or 290 bytes.
BRONTOBYTE n. a very large unit of computer memory.
BROWBEATENbrowbeaten v. Past participle of browbeat.
browbeaten adj. Intimidated or subjugated.
brow-beaten v. Past participle of brow-beat.
KNOBBLIESTknobbliest adj. Superlative form of knobbly: most knobbly.
KNOBBLY adj. having very small knobs.
NUTJOBBERSnutjobbers n. Plural of nutjobber.
NUTJOBBER n. the nuthatch.
OBNUBILATEobnubilate adj. (Obsolete) Covered or darkened as with a cloud; overclouded; obscured.
obnubilate v. (Obsolete) To obscure, to shadow.
obnubilate v. To make cloudy.
OBTAINABLEobtainable adj. Able to be obtained.
OBTAINABLE adj. that can be obtained.
RIBBONIESTRIBBONY adj. adorned with ribbons.
STUBBORNEDSTUBBORN v. to be stubborn, persist.
STUBBORNERstubborner adj. Comparative form of stubborn: more stubborn.
STUBBORN adj. obstinate.
TREBBIANOSTREBBIANO n. a grape used to make wine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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