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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 10 ten-letter words containing 2B, 2E, N and U

BASEBURNERbaseburner n. A type of stove that automatically re-adds coal, when needed, to the base using a hopper.
base-burner n. Alternative form of baseburner.
BASEBURNER n. a type of wood stove.
BENUMBMENTbenumbment n. The act of benumbing, or state of being benumbed; torpor.
BENUMBMENT n. the state of being benumbed.
BLUEBONNETbluebonnet n. Alternative form of blue bonnet.
blue␣bonnet n. A traditional flat Scottish hat made of blue wool; a blue tam-o’-shanter.
blue␣bonnet n. Someone who wears such a hat; a Scotsman, especially a Scottish soldier.
BUBONOCELEbubonocele n. (Medicine) An inguinal hernia, especially of the incomplete variety in which the hernial pouch descends…
BUBONOCELE n. an inguinal hernia; esp. that incomplete variety in which the hernial pouch descends only as far as the groin, forming a swelling there like a bubo.
NUMBERABLEnumberable adj. Capable of being numbered or counted.
NUMBERABLE adj. that can be numbered.
RUBBERNECKrubberneck n. Someone who engages in rubbernecking, or turning and staring.
rubberneck n. (US, obsolete) A tourist.
rubberneck n. Someone or something with a flexible neck.
UNBARBEREDunbarbered adj. Not barbered.
UNBARBERED adj. not barbered.
UNBEARABLEunbearable adj. So unpleasant or painful as to be unendurable.
UNBEARABLE adj. that cannot be borne.
UNBEATABLEunbeatable adj. That cannot be beaten, defeated or overcome.
unbeatable n. Someone or something that can’t be beaten.
UNBEATABLE adj. that cannot be beaten.
UNBENDABLEunbendable adj. Not bendable.
UNBENDABLE adj. not capable of bending.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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