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There are 19 words containing B, P, R, U and V

BUPLEVERbuplever n. A bupleurum.
BUPLEVER n. the hare's-ear plant.
BUPLEVERSbuplevers n. Plural of buplever.
BUPLEVER n. the hare's-ear plant.
PERTURBATIVEperturbative adj. Of, pertaining to, or causing perturbation.
PERTURBATIVE adj. tending to perturb.
PULVERABLEpulverable adj. Capable of being reduced to fine powder.
PULVERABLE adj. that can be reduced to powder.
PULVERISABLEpulverisable adj. Alternative form of pulverizable.
PULVERISABLE adj. that can be pulverised, also PULVERIZABLE.
PULVERIZABLEpulverizable adj. Able to be pulverized.
PULVERIZABLE adj. capable of being pulverized, also PULVERISABLE.
SUBREPTIVEsubreptive adj. (Obsolete) surreptitious.
SUBREPTIVE adj. surreptitious.
SUBSCRIPTIVEsubscriptive adj. Of or pertaining to a subscription, or signature.
SUBSCRIPTIVE adj. relating to subscription.
UNPERCEIVABLEunperceivable adj. Not perceivable; imperceptible.
UNPERCEIVABLE adj. that cannot be perceived.
UNPERCEIVABLYunperceivably adv. Imperceptibly.
UNPERCEIVABLE adv. that cannot be perceived.
UNPREVENTABLEunpreventable adj. Not preventable.
unpreventable n. Something that cannot be prevented.
UNPREVENTABLE adj. not preventable.
UNPROVABLEunprovable adj. That cannot be proved or verified by any test.
UNPROVABLE adj. not provable.
UNPROVABLYunprovably adv. In a way that cannot be proven.
UNREPRIEVABLEunreprievable adj. Not capable of being reprieved.
UNREPRIEVABLE adj. not reprievable.
UNREPROVABLEunreprovable adj. Alternative spelling of unreproveable.
UNREPROVABLE adj. not reprovable.
VAPOURABILITIESVAPOURABILITY n. the capacity to be vaporised, also VAPORABILITY.
VAPOURABILITYvapourability n. Alternative form of vaporability.
VAPOURABILITY n. the capacity to be vaporised, also VAPORABILITY.
VAPOURABLEvapourable adj. Alternative form of vaporable.
VAPOURABLE adj. that can be vaporized, also VAPORABLE, VAPORIZABLE.
VITUPERABLEvituperable adj. Liable to, or deserving, vituperation or severe censure.
VITUPERABLE adj. deserving vituperation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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