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There are 14 words containing B, L, R and 2Z

BLIZZARDblizzard n. A large snowstorm accompanied by strong winds and greatly reduced visibility caused by blowing snow.
blizzard n. (Figuratively) A large amount of paperwork.
blizzard n. (Figuratively) A large number of similar things.
BLIZZARDSblizzards n. Plural of blizzard.
blizzards v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of blizzard.
Blizzards prop.n. Plural of Blizzard.
BLIZZARDYblizzardy adj. Resembling or characteristic of a blizzard.
BLIZZARDY adj. like a blizzard.
EMBEZZLERembezzler n. One who steals money they have been trusted with, especially from one’s employer; one who embezzles.
EMBEZZLER n. one who embezzles.
BELSHAZZARBelshazzar prop.n. Alternative form of Balthazar.
Belshazzar n. (Dated) An early kind of overhead projector.
BELSHAZZAR n. a large wine bottle containing 2.80 gallons, also BALTHASAR, BALTHAZAR.
BLIZZARDEDblizzarded v. Simple past tense and past participle of blizzard.
BLIZZARD v. to rage like a snowstorm.
BLIZZARDLYblizzardly adj. (Dated) Resembling or characteristic of a blizzard.
BLIZZARDLY adj. like a blizzard.
BUZZKILLERBUZZKILLER n. someone or something that stops people from enjoying themselves, also BUZZKILL.
EMBEZZLERSembezzlers n. Plural of embezzler.
EMBEZZLER n. one who embezzles.
BELSHAZZARSBelshazzars n. Plural of Belshazzar.
BELSHAZZAR n. a large wine bottle containing 2.80 gallons, also BALTHASAR, BALTHAZAR.
BLIZZARDIERBLIZZARDY adj. like a blizzard.
BLIZZARDINGblizzarding v. Present participle of blizzard.
BLIZZARD v. to rage like a snowstorm.
BUZZKILLERSBUZZKILLER n. someone or something that stops people from enjoying themselves, also BUZZKILL.
BLIZZARDIESTBLIZZARDY adj. like a blizzard.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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