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There are 18 words containing B, 2K, L and S

BACKBLOCKERSBACKBLOCKER n. one who lives in the backblocks.
BACKBLOCKSbackblocks n. Plural of backblock.
back␣blocks n. (Slang) Remote countryside.
BACKBLOCKS n. (Australian) remote, sparsely populated country.
BACKTALKSbacktalks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of backtalk.
BACKTALK n. an impudent reply.
BASKETLIKEbasketlike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a basket.
BASKETLIKE adj. like a basket.
BLACKBUCKSblackbucks n. Plural of blackbuck.
BLACKBUCK n. an Indian antelope.
BLACKCOCKSblackcocks n. Plural of blackcock.
black␣cocks n. Plural of black cock.
BLACKCOCK n. the male of the black grouse.
BLACKJACKSblackjacks n. Plural of blackjack.
blackjacks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of blackjack.
Blackjacks n. Plural of Blackjack.
BLACKSNAKEblacksnake n. Alternative form of black snake: any of several relatively harmless North American snakes.
blacksnake n. (US) A long, tapering whip.
blacksnake n. (Chiefly vulgar, slang) A penis, especially a black penis.
BLACKSNAKESblacksnakes n. Plural of blacksnake.
black␣snakes n. Plural of black snake.
BLACKSNAKE n. a snake of a black color, found in the US.
BLOCKWORKSblockworks n. Plural of blockwork.
BLOCKWORK n. hollow blocks of precast concrete used for building.
BRICKKILNSbrickkilns n. Plural of brickkiln.
BRICKKILN n. a kiln where bricks are made.
KICKBALLSkickballs n. Plural of kickball.
KICKBALL n. a child's game, similar to baseball.
KNUCKLEBALLERSknuckleballers n. Plural of knuckleballer.
KNUCKLEBALLER n. a player who delivers knuckleballs.
KNUCKLEBALLSknuckleballs n. Plural of knuckleball.
KNUCKLEBALL n. a baseball pitch in which the ball is gripped with the knuckles.
KNUCKLEBONESknucklebones n. Plural of knucklebone.
knucklebones n. A children’s game, originally played with the knucklebones of sheep, in which small objects are picked…
KNUCKLEBONE n. the bone of the knuckle.
STICKLEBACKstickleback n. Any one of numerous species of small fish of the family Gasterosteidae. The back is armed with two or…
STICKLEBACK n. a freshwater fish with a spiny back.
STICKLEBACKSsticklebacks n. Plural of stickleback.
STICKLEBACK n. a freshwater fish with a spiny back.
TALKBACKStalkbacks n. Plural of talkback.
TALKBACK n. a phone-in.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 341 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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