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There are 15 words containing B, I, J and 2U

ASSUBJUGATINGassubjugating v. Present participle of assubjugate.
ASSUBJUGATE v. (Shakespeare) to reduce to subjection.
BIJUGOUSbijugous adj. (Botany, archaic) bijugate.
BIJUGOUS adj. having two pairs of leaflets.
BUCKJUMPINGbuckjumping n. (Australia) The action (of a horse) of aggressively attempting to buck a rider.
buckjumping n. (Australia) A rodeo event in which the rider attempts to stay in the saddle of a bucking horse for a set period.
BUCKJUMPING n. (Australian) a competitive event for buckjumpers in a rodeo.
BUCKJUMPINGSBUCKJUMPING n. (Australian) a competitive event for buckjumpers in a rodeo.
SUBJUGATINGsubjugating v. Present participle of subjugate.
SUBJUGATE v. to bring under the yoke; to make subservient.
SUBJUGATIONsubjugation n. The act of subjugating.
subjugation n. The state of being subjugated; forced control by others.
SUBJUGATION n. the act of subjugating.
SUBJUGATIONSsubjugations n. Plural of subjugation.
SUBJUGATION n. the act of subjugating.
SUBJUNCTIONsubjunction n. Act of subjoining, or state of being subjoined.
subjunction n. Something subjoined.
SUBJUNCTION n. an act of subjoining or the state of being subjoined.
SUBJUNCTIONSsubjunctions n. Plural of subjunction.
SUBJUNCTION n. an act of subjoining or the state of being subjoined.
SUBJUNCTIVEsubjunctive adj. (Grammar, of a verb) Inflected to indicate that an act or state of being is possible, contingent or…
subjunctive n. (Grammar, uncountable) Ellipsis of subjunctive mood.
subjunctive n. (Countable) A form in the subjunctive mood.
SUBJUNCTIVELYsubjunctively adv. In a subjunctive manner.
SUBJUNCTIVE adv. of a verb, in a mood or form expressing condition, hypothesis, or contingency.
SUBJUNCTIVESsubjunctives n. Plural of subjunctive.
SUBJUNCTIVE n. the subjunctive mood of a verb.
UNJUSTIFIABLEunjustifiable adj. That cannot be justified, excused or pardoned.
UNJUSTIFIABLE adj. not justifiable.
UNJUSTIFIABLYunjustifiably adv. In an unjustifiable manner.
UNJUSTIFIABLE adv. not justifiable.
UNSUBJECTINGUNSUBJECT v. to remove from subjugation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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