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There are 10 words containing B, 2H, K and T

BREAKTHROUGHbreakthrough adj. Characterized by major progress or overcoming some obstacle.
breakthrough adj. (Immunology) Involving the contraction of a disease by a person with a decreased susceptibility, such…
breakthrough adj. (Medicine) The emergence or one or more symptoms of a condition despite medication or other medical treatment.
BREAKTHROUGHSbreakthroughs n. Plural of breakthrough.
BREAKTHROUGH n. an offensive thrust that penetrates and carries beyond a defensive line in warfare.
HATCHBACKhatchback n. A car with a sloping, hinged rear door that opens upwards.
hatchback n. The door itself.
HATCHBACK n. a car with a certain type of liftable back.
HATCHBACKShatchbacks n. Plural of hatchback.
HATCHBACK n. a car with a certain type of liftable back.
KHOTBAHkhotbah n. Alternative spelling of khutbah.
KHOTBAH n. (Arabic) an address or public prayer read from the steps of the pulpit in Mohammedan mosques, also KHOTBEH, KHUTBAH.
KHOTBAHSkhotbahs n. Plural of khotbah.
KHOTBAH n. (Arabic) an address or public prayer read from the steps of the pulpit in Mohammedan mosques, also KHOTBEH, KHUTBAH.
KHOTBEHkhotbeh n. Alternative spelling of khutbah.
KHOTBEH n. (Arabic) an address or public prayer read from the steps of the pulpit in Mohammedan mosques, also KHOTBAH, KHUTBAH.
KHOTBEHSkhotbehs n. Plural of khotbeh.
KHOTBEH n. (Arabic) an address or public prayer read from the steps of the pulpit in Mohammedan mosques, also KHOTBAH, KHUTBAH.
KHUTBAHkhutbah n. (Islam) A talk or sermon delivered in mosques before the Friday prayer, or at other special occasions.
KHUTBAH n. (Arabic) an address or public prayer read from the steps of the pulpit in Mohammedan mosques, also KHOTBAH, KHOTBEH.
KHUTBAHSkhutbahs n. Plural of khutbah.
KHUTBAH n. (Arabic) an address or public prayer read from the steps of the pulpit in Mohammedan mosques, also KHOTBAH, KHOTBEH.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 226 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
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  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
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