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There are 6 words containing B, F, I, K and O

BIFORKEDbiforked adj. Forked into two; bifurcate.
BIFORKED adj. divided into two branches.
FLIPBOOKflipbook n. Alternative spelling of flip book.
flip␣book n. A booklet containing a sequence of near-identical images so that flipping rapidly through the pages…
FLIPBOOK n. a book of a series of images that when flipped give the illusion of movement.
FLIPBOOKSflipbooks n. Plural of flipbook.
flip␣books n. Plural of flip book.
FLIPBOOK n. a book of a series of images that when flipped give the illusion of movement.
BIOFEEDBACKbiofeedback n. A technique consisting of measuring a person’s quantifiable bodily functions, such as blood pressure…
BIOFEEDBACK n. a technique for learning control of autonomic body functions in response to monitoring by electronic instruments such as an electrocardiograph.
FACEBOOKINGFacebooking v. Present participle of Facebook.
FACEBOOK v. to look for someone's profile on Facebook.
BIOFEEDBACKSbiofeedbacks n. Plural of biofeedback.
BIOFEEDBACK n. a technique for learning control of autonomic body functions in response to monitoring by electronic instruments such as an electrocardiograph.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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