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There are 19 words containing B, E, I, K and Z

ALKALIZABLEALKALIZABLE adj. that can be alkalized, also ALKALISABLE.
BALKANIZEbalkanize v. Alternative letter-case form of Balkanize.
Balkanize v. (Transitive) To break up into small, mutually-hostile units, especially on a political basis.
BALKANIZE v. to divide (a region or territory) into small, often hostile units, also BALKANISE.
BALKANIZEDbalkanized v. Simple past tense and past participle of balkanize.
Balkanized v. Simple past tense and past participle of Balkanize.
BALKANIZE v. to divide (a region or territory) into small, often hostile units, also BALKANISE.
BALKANIZESbalkanizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of balkanize.
Balkanizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of Balkanize.
BALKANIZE v. to divide (a region or territory) into small, often hostile units, also BALKANISE.
BLITZKRIEGblitzkrieg n. A fast military offensive, typically involving a large and highly mobile tank force with air support.
BLITZKRIEG n. (German) a rapid advance in warfare.
BLITZKRIEGSblitzkriegs n. Plural of blitzkrieg.
BLITZKRIEG n. (German) a rapid advance in warfare.
BUZZKILLERBUZZKILLER n. someone or something that stops people from enjoying themselves, also BUZZKILL.
BUZZKILLERSBUZZKILLER n. someone or something that stops people from enjoying themselves, also BUZZKILL.
KIBBITZEDkibbitzed v. Simple past tense and past participle of kibbitz.
KIBBITZ v. (Yiddish) to give unwelcome advice, also KIBITZ.
KIBBITZERkibbitzer n. Alternative form of kibitzer.
KIBBITZER n. (Yiddish) one who offers unwanted advice, also KIBITZER.
KIBBITZERSkibbitzers n. Plural of kibbitzer.
KIBBITZER n. (Yiddish) one who offers unwanted advice, also KIBITZER.
KIBBITZESkibbitzes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of kibbitz.
KIBBITZ v. (Yiddish) to give unwelcome advice, also KIBITZ.
KIBITZEDkibitzed v. Simple past tense and past participle of kibitz.
KIBITZ v. (Yiddish) to give unwelcome advice, also KIBBITZ.
KIBITZERkibitzer n. A person who offers unsolicited views, advice, or criticism; one who kibitzes.
KIBITZER n. (Yiddish) one who offers unwanted advice, also KIBBITZER.
KIBITZERSkibitzers n. Plural of kibitzer.
KIBITZER n. (Yiddish) one who offers unwanted advice, also KIBBITZER.
KIBITZESkibitzes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of kibitz.
KIBITZ v. (Yiddish) to give unwelcome advice, also KIBBITZ.
ZOMBIELIKEzombielike adj. Similar to a zombie, having the appearance or character of a zombie.
ZOMBIELIKE adj. like a zombie.
ZWIEBACKzwieback n. A usually sweetened bread enriched with eggs that is baked and then sliced and toasted until dry and…
ZWIEBACK n. (German) a usually sweetened bread that is baked and then sliced and toasted until dry and crisp.
ZWIEBACKSzwiebacks n. Plural of zwieback.
ZWIEBACK n. (German) a usually sweetened bread that is baked and then sliced and toasted until dry and crisp.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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