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There are 20 words containing B, E, H, K and P

BACKSPLASHESbacksplashes n. Plural of backsplash.
BACKSPLASH n. a vertical surface (as of tiles) designed to protect the wall behind a stove or countertop.
BAKESHOPbakeshop n. A shop where baked goods are made and sold.
BAKESHOP n. a bakery.
BAKESHOPSbakeshops n. Plural of bakeshop.
BAKESHOP n. a bakery.
BRICKSHAPEDbrickshaped adj. Shaped like a brick.
brick-shaped adj. Alternative spelling of brickshaped.
BRICKSHAPED adj. shaped like a brick.
HUMPBACKEDhumpbacked adj. Having a hump on the back, either naturally or due to a medical condition.
humpbacked adj. Being a humpback bridge.
humpbacked v. Simple past tense and past participle of humpback.
KENOPHOBIAkenophobia n. An abnormal fear of empty spaces.
KENOPHOBIA n. fear of empty spaces.
KENOPHOBIASKENOPHOBIA n. fear of empty spaces.
PATHBREAKINGpathbreaking adj. Opening a new path or approach.
PATHBREAKING adj. trailblazing.
PICKELHAUBEpickelhaube n. (Historical) A spiked helmet worn by German troops, especially during the First World War.
PICKELHAUBE n. (German) the spiked helmet worn by German or Prussian soldiers before World War I.
PICKELHAUBESpickelhaubes n. Plural of pickelhaube.
PICKELHAUBE n. (German) the spiked helmet worn by German or Prussian soldiers before World War I.
PINCHBECKpinchbeck n. An alloy of copper and zinc once used as imitation gold for cheap jewelry.
pinchbeck adj. (Not comparable) Made of pinchbeck.
pinchbeck adj. Sham; spurious, artificial; being a cheap substitution; only superficially attractive.
PINCHBECKSpinchbecks n. Plural of pinchbeck.
PINCHBECK n. a gold-like alloy of copper and zinc; tawdry jewellery.
PUSHBIKEpushbike n. (Australia, New Zealand, UK, informal) A pedal bicycle, as distinguished from a motorized bicycle.
pushbike v. (Intransitive, Australia, New Zealand, UK, informal) To travel by pushbike.
push-bike n. Alternative form of pushbike.
PUSHBIKESpushbikes n. Plural of pushbike.
pushbikes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of pushbike.
push-bikes n. Plural of push-bike.
SHIPBROKERshipbroker n. (Nautical) An intermediary who negotiates between shipowners and people wanting to charter shipping.
SHIPBROKER n. a broker for the sale, insurance etc. of ships.
SHIPBROKERSshipbrokers n. Plural of shipbroker.
SHIPBROKER n. a broker for the sale, insurance etc. of ships.
SHOPBREAKERshopbreaker n. One who breaks into a shop with unlawful intent.
SHOPBREAKER n. a person who breaks into a shop.
SHOPBREAKERSshopbreakers n. Plural of shopbreaker.
SHOPBREAKER n. a person who breaks into a shop.
SHOPBREAKINGshopbreaking n. The act of breaking into a shop with unlawful intent.
SHOPBREAKING n. the act of breaking into a shop.
SHOPBREAKINGSshopbreakings n. Plural of shopbreaking.
SHOPBREAKING n. the act of breaking into a shop.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 474 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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