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There are 15 words containing B, E, F, O and Z

BENZOFURANbenzofuran n. (Organic chemistry) Any of a class of bicyclic heterocycles consisting of a benzene ring fused with one of furan.
BENZOFURAN n. a compound found in coal tar.
BENZOFURANSbenzofurans n. Plural of benzofuran.
BENZOFURAN n. a compound found in coal tar.
BRONZIFIEDbronzified v. Simple past tense and past participle of bronzify.
BRONZIFY v. to make bronze.
BRONZIFIESbronzifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bronzify.
BRONZIFY v. to make bronze.
DIBENZOFURANdibenzofuran n. (Organic chemistry) The tricyclic heterocycle in which two benzene rings are fused to that of furan;…
DIBENZOFURAN n. a highly toxic chemical compound that is used in chemical synthesis and as an insecticide.
DIBENZOFURANSdibenzofurans n. Plural of dibenzofuran.
DIBENZOFURAN n. a highly toxic chemical compound that is used in chemical synthesis and as an insecticide.
FIBERIZATIONfiberization n. The process of fiberizing.
FIBERIZATION n. the act of fiberizing, also FIBERISATION.
FIBERIZATIONSfiberizations n. Plural of fiberization.
FIBERIZATION n. the act of fiberizing, also FIBERISATION.
FORMALIZABLEformalizable adj. Capable of being formalized.
FORMALIZABLE adj. capable of being formalized, also FORMALISABLE.
FOSSILIZABLEfossilizable adj. Able to be converted into a fossil.
FOSSILIZABLE adj. that can be fossilized, also FOSSILISABLE.
FUZZBOXESfuzzboxes n. Plural of fuzzbox.
fuzz␣boxes n. Plural of fuzz box.
FUZZBOX n. an electronic device used to distort the sound of e.g. an electric guitar.
GEMFIBROZILgemfibrozil n. (Pharmacology) A drug C15H22O3 that regulates blood serum lipids and is used especially to lower the…
GEMFIBROZIL n. a drug that lowers the level of low-density lipoproteins in the blood and is therefore used to treat patients with hypercholesterolaemia.
GEMFIBROZILSGEMFIBROZIL n. a drug that lowers the level of low-density lipoproteins in the blood and is therefore used to treat patients with hypercholesterolaemia.
ZOMBIFIEDzombified v. Simple past tense and past participle of zombify.
zombified adj. Having been made into a zombie, or induced to behave in a zombie-like fashion.
ZOMBIFY v. to make lethargic.
ZOMBIFIESzombifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of zombify.
ZOMBIFY v. to make lethargic.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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