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There are 18 words containing 2B, 2C and I

BABYCCINObabyccino n. Alternative spelling of babycino.
BABYCCINO n. a drink of frothy steamed milk, often served with a sweet topping, also BABYCINO.
BABYCCINOSbabyccinos n. Plural of babyccino.
BABYCCINO n. a drink of frothy steamed milk, often served with a sweet topping, also BABYCINO.
BACKCOMBINGbackcombing v. Present participle of backcomb.
back-combing v. Present participle of back-comb.
BACKCOMB v. to comb back e.g. the hair.
BATRACHOPHOBICBATRACHOPHOBIC adj. having a morbid fear of frogs and toads.
BEACHCOMBINGbeachcombing n. The lifestyle and habits of a beachcomber.
beachcombing n. An item found lying near the sea; marine salvage.
beachcombing v. Present participle of beachcomb.
BEACHCOMBINGSbeachcombings n. Plural of beachcombing.
BEACHCOMBING n. wandering along a beach looking for useful objects.
BIBCOCKbibcock n. An appliance (typically a valve with a threaded outlet) allowing the provision of hose connections outside…
BIBCOCK n. a tap with a downturned nozzle.
BIBCOCKSbibcocks n. Plural of bibcock.
BIBCOCK n. a tap with a downturned nozzle.
BRICABRACbricabrac n. Alternative form of bric-a-brac.
bric-a-brac n. Small ornaments and other miscellaneous display items of little value.
bric-a-brac n. (By extension) Any collection containing a variety of miscellaneous items; a hodgepodge, an olio.
BRICABRACSbricabracs n. Plural of bricabrac.
bric-a-bracs n. Plural of bric-a-brac.
bric-à-bracs n. Plural of bric-à-brac.
CABBALISTICcabbalistic adj. Alternative spelling of cabalistic.
CABBALISTICALcabbalistical adj. Cabalistic.
CIRCUMBENDIBUScircumbendibus adj. (Often humorous) indirect or roundabout.
circumbendibus n. (Often humorous) A roundabout route or process.
circumbendibus n. (Often humorous) A roundabout, indirect, or confusing manner of speech or writing.
CIRCUMSCRIBABLEcircumscribable adj. Able to be circumscribed.
CIRCUMSCRIBABLE adj. able to be circumscribed.
CYBERPHOBICcyberphobic adj. Pertaining to, or afflicted by, cyberphobia.
CYBERPHOBIC adj. suffering from cyberphobia.
CYCLOBARBITONECYCLOBARBITONE n. a barbiturate drug used as a hypnotic and sedative.
CYCLOBARBITONESCYCLOBARBITONE n. a barbiturate drug used as a hypnotic and sedative.
SNOBBOCRACIESSNOBBOCRACY n. government by snobs.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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