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There are 17 words containing 3B, R and Y

ABSORBABILITYabsorbability n. The state or quality of being absorbable.
ABSORBABILITY n. the ability to be absorbed.
BABBITRYbabbitry n. Alternative form of babbittry.
BABBITRY n. conventional middle-class attitudes and behavior stressing respectability and material success.
BABBITTRYbabbittry n. Narrow-minded materialism.
Babbittry n. Alternative form of babbittry.
BABBITTRY n. narrow-minded middle-class complacence, also BABBITRY.
BIBBERYbibbery n. (Obsolete) Drinking, especially of alcohol.
BIBBERY n. the act of tippling.
BLUBBERYblubbery adj. Having the characteristics of blubber.
blubbery adj. Fat or obese.
blubbery adj. With much blubbering.
BOBBERYbobbery n. (Dated) A squabble; a tumult; a noisy disturbance.
bobbery interj. (Anglo-Indian, obsolete) Oh dear! Alas! Good lord!
BOBBERY n. a noisy row.
BOBBYSOXERbobbysoxer n. Alternative form of bobby soxer.
bobby-soxer n. Alternative form of bobby soxer.
bobby␣soxer n. (Dated) In the 1940s, a young woman or teenage girl who was a zealous fan of traditional pop, especially…
BOBBYSOXERSbobbysoxers n. Plural of bobbysoxer.
bobby␣soxers n. Plural of bobby soxer.
BOBBYSOXER n. (colloquial) an adolescent girl wearing bobby socks.
BONNYCLABBERbonnyclabber n. (Scotland and US dialects) Sour, soured, fermented or curdled milk; acidophilus milk.
BONNYCLABBER n. (Irish) milk naturally clotted on souring.
BONNYCLABBERSBONNYCLABBER n. (Irish) milk naturally clotted on souring.
BUMBLEBERRYbumbleberry n. Applied to pies, juices, etc. made with a mixture of various berries and sometimes other fruits.
BUMBLEBERRY n. (Canadian) a mixture of berries used in pie fillings and in preserves.
COBWEBBERYcobwebbery n. (Chiefly figuratively) A mass of cobwebs; anything that obscures the vision or is elaborate yet flimsy.
COBWEBBERY n. cobwebs collectively.
PSYCHOBABBLERpsychobabbler n. (Derogatory) A person who speaks psychobabble.
PSYCHOBABBLER n. one who indulges in psychobabble.
PSYCHOBABBLERSpsychobabblers n. Plural of psychobabbler.
PSYCHOBABBLER n. one who indulges in psychobabble.
RUBBYDUBrubby-dub n. (Slang) A drunkard who drinks alcohol in non-beverage form, e.g. rubbing alcohol or canned heat.
RUBBYDUB n. (slang) an alcoholic who will substitute any liquid inebriant should ethanol become unavailable, including rubbing alcohol.
RUBBYDUBSrubby-dubs n. Plural of rubby-dub.
RUBBYDUB n. (slang) an alcoholic who will substitute any liquid inebriant should ethanol become unavailable, including rubbing alcohol.
SUBSHRUBBYsubshrubby adj. Being or resembling a subshrub.
SUBSHRUBBY adj. like a subshrub, a low shrub.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 130 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 2 words
  • Scrabble in German: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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