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There are 18 words containing 3B, R and T

ABSORBABILITIESabsorbabilities n. Plural of absorbability.
ABSORBABILITY n. the ability to be absorbed.
ABSORBABILITYabsorbability n. The state or quality of being absorbable.
ABSORBABILITY n. the ability to be absorbed.
BABBITRIESBABBITRY n. conventional middle-class attitudes and behavior stressing respectability and material success.
BABBITRYbabbitry n. Alternative form of babbittry.
BABBITRY n. conventional middle-class attitudes and behavior stressing respectability and material success.
BABBITTRIESBABBITTRY n. narrow-minded middle-class complacence, also BABBITRY.
BABBITTRYbabbittry n. Narrow-minded materialism.
Babbittry n. Alternative form of babbittry.
BABBITTRY n. narrow-minded middle-class complacence, also BABBITRY.
BACKSTABBERbackstabber n. A traitor or hypocrite, such as a co-worker or friend assumed trustworthy but who figuratively attacks…
BACKSTABBER n. one who backstabs.
BACKSTABBERSbackstabbers n. Plural of backstabber.
BACKSTABBER n. one who backstabs.
BLABBERMOUTHblabbermouth n. (Informal) A gossip.
blabbermouth n. (Informal) A person who talks excessively.
blabbermouth n. (Aviation) A kind of foam-dispensing nozzle used in firefighting at airports.
BLABBERMOUTHSblabbermouths n. Plural of blabbermouth.
BLABBERMOUTH n. an indiscreetly talkative person.
BLUBBERIESTBLUBBERY adj. swollen, protuberant.
BRABBLEMENTbrabblement n. (Dated) A brabble; a noisy contest or wrangle.
BRABBLEMENT n. (archaic) a squabbling.
BRABBLEMENTSbrabblements n. Plural of brabblement.
BRABBLEMENT n. (archaic) a squabbling.
FLIBBERTIGIBBETflibbertigibbet n. An offbeat, skittish person; especially said of a young woman.
flibbertigibbet n. A flighty person; someone regarded as silly, irresponsible, or scatterbrained, especially someone who…
flibbertigibbet n. (Archaic) An imp, a fiend.
RABBITBRUSHrabbitbrush n. Any of various plants in the family Asteraceae, including most species of Chrysothamnus and some Ericameria.
RABBITBRUSH n. any of several low branching composite shrubs found in the US, aka chamisa.
RABBITBRUSHESrabbitbrushes n. Plural of rabbitbrush.
RABBITBRUSH n. any of several low branching composite shrubs found in the US, aka chamisa.
RABBITBUSHSorry, definition not available.
RABBITBUSHESSorry, definition not available.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 185 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 39 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 530 words
  • Scrabble in German: 14 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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