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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing B, 2O, S and X

BIOTOXINSbiotoxins n. Plural of biotoxin.
BIOTOXIN n. a poison of biological origin.
BOOMBOXESboomboxes n. Plural of boombox.
boom␣boxes n. Plural of boom box.
BOOMBOX n. a powerful portable radio and cassette recorder.
BOXBOARDSboxboards n. Plural of boxboard.
BOXBOARD n. a kind of stiff paperboard.
BOXTHORNSboxthorns n. Plural of boxthorn.
BOXTHORN n. a thorny shrub with red berries.
COALBOXEScoalboxes n. Plural of coalbox.
COALBOX n. a box for storing coal.
LOCKBOXESlockboxes n. Plural of lockbox.
LOCKBOX n. a box that locks.
OBNOXIOUSobnoxious adj. Extremely offensive or unpleasant; very annoying, contemptible, or odious.
obnoxious adj. (Archaic or obsolete) Exposed or vulnerable to something, especially harm or injury.
obnoxious adj. (Obsolete).
POORBOXESpoorboxes n. Plural of poorbox.
poor␣boxes n. Plural of poor box.
POORBOX n. a box, esp. one in a church, used for the collection of alms or money for the poor.
POSTBOXESpostboxes n. Plural of postbox, an alternative spelling of post box.
post-boxes n. Plural of post-box.
post␣boxes n. Plural of post box.
SHADOWBOXshadowbox n. A diorama or shallow display case, usually with a glass front.
shadowbox n. A rectangular display area that is set off with a frame or drop shadow.
shadowbox n. A box with a light inside used for reading X-ray images.
SHOEBOXESshoeboxes n. Plural of shoebox.
shoe␣boxes n. Plural of shoe box.
SHOEBOX n. an oblong box for holding a pair of shoes.
SHOWBOXESshowboxes n. Plural of showbox.
show␣boxes n. Plural of show box.
SHOWBOX n. a showman's box.
SOAPBOXEDsoapboxed v. Simple past tense and past participle of soapbox.
SOAPBOX v. to give an opinion to the public.
SOAPBOXESsoapboxes n. Plural of soapbox.
soap␣boxes n. Plural of soap box.
SOAPBOX v. to give an opinion to the public.
STRONGBOXstrongbox n. A sturdy box with a lock for storing valuables.
STRONGBOX n. a box for holding valuables.
TEXTBOOKStextbooks n. Plural of textbook.
TEXTBOOK n. a book used in the study of a subject.
TOOLBOXEStoolboxes n. Plural of toolbox.
TOOLBOX n. a box for tools.
WOODBOXESwoodboxes n. Plural of woodbox.
WOODBOX n. a container for firewood, also WOODBIN.
WORKBOXESworkboxes n. Plural of workbox.
WORKBOX n. a bag for holding work materials, also WORKBAG.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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