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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing B, 2O, P and U

AUTOPHOBYautophoby n. Archaic form of autophobia.
AUTOPHOBY n. a shrinking from making any reference to oneself.
BOUGHPOTSboughpots n. Plural of boughpot.
bough␣pots n. Plural of bough pot.
BOUGHPOT n. (archaic) a pot for boughs as an ornament, also BOWPOT.
BUMPOLOGYbumpology n. (Archaic, derogatory) phrenology.
BUMPOLOGY n. jocularly, the study of bumps on the head, aka phrenology.
BUPROPIONbupropion n. (Pharmacology) An antidepressant drug which is also given to relieve the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal.
BUPROPION n. an antidepressant drug used in the treatment of nicotine addiction.
CROPBOUNDcropbound adj. Having the crop (pouch-like part of the alimentary tract) clogged up, as by overfeeding.
CROPBOUND adj. of birds, suffering from impaction of the crop.
PHOTOTUBEphototube n. A gas-filled electron tube that has a photosensitive cathode.
PHOTOTUBE n. an electron tube with a photoemissive cathode.
PLOUGHBOYploughboy n. (Historical) A boy who directed the animals that pulled a plough.
PLOUGHBOY n. a boy who drives or guides horses in ploughing, also PLOWBOY.
POLITBUROpolitburo n. The governing council and chief policymaking body of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and other…
politburo n. (By extension, sometimes derogatory) A senior governing or policymaking body in a political or other…
Politburo prop.n. Any of various politburos, especially that of the Soviet Union or that of the People’s Republic of China.
POTATOBUGpotato␣bug n. The Jerusalem cricket, various insects of the genus Stenopelmatus.
potato␣bug n. The woodlouse, various terrestrial crustaceans of suborder Oniscidea.
potato␣bug n. Any of various insects that feed on or harm potato plants.
POURBOIREpourboire n. A tip (extra money given to e.g. a waiter in appreciation of service), especially in French contexts.
pourboire n. A bribe.
POURBOIRE n. (French) a tip, gratuity.
PROLABOURPROLABOUR adj. favouring an organized labour movement, also PROLABOR.
PUREBLOODpureblood n. A person or animal of unmixed ancestry.
PUREBLOOD n. a horse etc. of unmixed race.
TURBOPROPturboprop n. (Aeronautics) A type of gas turbine aircraft engine that drives and obtains essentially all thrust from…
turboprop n. (Aviation) An aircraft that uses a turboprop engine.
TURBOPROP n. a jet engine in which the turbine is coupled to a propeller.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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