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There are 19 nine-letter words containing B, L, P, T and U

BLUEPOINTbluepoint n. (Marine biology) A small oyster, Crassostrea virginica, from the eastern United States seaboard.
bluepoint n. (Felinology) A colourpoint cat with blue markings.
blue␣point n. Alternative form of bluepoint.
BLUEPRINTblueprint n. A type of paper-based reproduction process producing white-on-blue images, used primarily for technical…
blueprint n. A print produced with this process.
blueprint n. (Architecture, engineering, by extension) A detailed technical drawing (now often in some electronically…
BULLPOUTSbullpouts n. Plural of bullpout.
BULLPOUT n. a freshwater fish of many species, aka bullhead.
DEPUTABLEdeputable adj. Fit to be deputed; suitable to act as a deputy.
DEPUTABLE adj. that can be deputed.
ERUPTIBLEeruptible adj. Able to be erupted.
ERUPTIBLE adj. capable of undergoing eruption.
IMPUTABLEimputable adj. That may be imputed.
imputable adj. (Law) Accusable; culpable; chargeable with fault.
IMPUTABLE adj. that can be imputed.
IMPUTABLYimputably adv. In an imputable manner; by imputation.
IMPUTABLE adv. that can be imputed.
PLUMBATESplumbates n. Plural of plumbate.
PLUMBATE n. a salt of plumbic acid.
PLUMBITESplumbites n. Plural of plumbite.
PLUMBITE n. a salt of plumbic acid.
POLITBUROpolitburo n. The governing council and chief policymaking body of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and other…
politburo n. (By extension, sometimes derogatory) A senior governing or policymaking body in a political or other…
Politburo prop.n. Any of various politburos, especially that of the Soviet Union or that of the People’s Republic of China.
PREBUTTALprebuttal n. (Buzzword, slang) A preemptive rebuttal.
PREBUTTAL n. a prepared response to an anticipated criticism.
PUBLICISTpublicist n. A person whose job is to publicize information or events; a publicity agent; a public relations agent or worker.
publicist n. A journalist, often a commentator, who focusses on politics.
publicist n. (Now rare and archaic) A scholar, of public or international law.
PUBLICITYpublicity n. Advertising or other activity designed to rouse public interest in something.
publicity n. Public interest attracted in this way.
publicity n. The condition of being the object of public attention.
PULSEBEATpulsebeat n. A continuous, regular rhythm; a pulse or heartbeat.
pulsebeat n. An intimation of an underlying sentiment etc.
PULSEBEAT n. the pulse.
REPUTABLEreputable adj. Having a good reputation; honourable.
REPUTABLE adj. of good repute.
REPUTABLYreputably adv. In a reputable manner.
REPUTABLE adv. of good repute.
UNPOTABLEunpotable adj. Not potable.
UNPOTABLE adj. not potable, undrinkable.
UNTYPABLEuntypable adj. Not typable.
UNTYPABLE adj. that cannot be typed.
UPDATABLEupdatable adj. (Computing) That can be updated.
UPDATABLE adj. capable of being updated, also UPDATEABLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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