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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing B, K, N, R and U

BACKBURNSbackburns n. Plural of backburn.
back-burns n. Plural of back-burn.
back␣burns n. Plural of back burn.
BANKRUPTSbankrupts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bankrupt.
bankrupts n. Plural of bankrupt.
BANKRUPT v. to make insolvent.
BUCKHORNSbuckhorns n. Plural of buckhorn.
BUCKHORN n. the material of a buck's horn as used for handles etc.
BUCKTHORNbuckthorn n. Any of several, often thorny shrubs or small trees, especially.
BUCKTHORN n. a shrub of the Rhamnus genus.
BUNKERINGbunkering v. Present participle of bunker.
bunkering n. (Nautical) The taking on board of bunker fuel.
bunkering n. (Chiefly Nigeria) The illicit removal of oil from a pipeline or other distribution system.
CYBERPUNKcyberpunk n. (Science fiction, uncountable) A subgenre of science fiction which focuses on computer or information…
cyberpunk n. (Countable) A cyberpunk character, a hacker punk, a high-tech low life.
cyberpunk n. (Countable) A writer of cyberpunk fiction.
DEBUNKERSdebunkers n. Plural of debunker.
DEBUNKER n. one who debunks.
KNUBBLIERKNUBBLY adj. having little lumps, also NUBBY, KNUBBY.
OUTBROKENoutbroken v. Past participle of outbreak.
OUTBREAK v. to burst forth.
PRONGBUCKprongbuck n. (Dated) The springbok.
prongbuck n. The pronghorn.
PRONGBUCK n. the springbuck.
ROCKBOUNDrockbound adj. Surrounded by rocks.
rockbound adj. (CB radio slang) Limited in frequency because of a limited supply of crystals.
ROCKBOUND adj. hemmed in by rock, rocky.
SKUNKBIRDskunkbird n. The bobolink.
SKUNKBIRD n. an American bird, aka bobolink or ricebird.
SUPERBANKsuperbank n. A particularly large or powerful bank.
SUPERBANK n. a very large bank.
TURNBACKSturnbacks n. Plural of turnback.
TURNBACK n. a part of a garment etc. that can be turned back.
UNBARKINGunbarking v. Present participle of unbark.
UNBARK v. to strip of bark.
UNBRAKINGunbraking v. Present participle of unbrake.
UNBRAKE v. to release a brake.
UNBULKIERUNBULKY adj. not bulky.
UNDERBAKEunderbake v. To bake insufficiently, or less than usual.
UNDERBAKE v. to bake insufficiently.
UNREBUKEDunrebuked adj. Not rebuked.
UNREBUKED adj. not rebuked.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 99 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 14 words
  • Scrabble in German: 132 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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