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There are 16 nine-letter words containing B, I, O, Q and U

AQUAROBICaquarobic adj. Alternative form of aquaerobic.
AQUAROBIC adj. relating to a system of exercises, similar to aerobics, performed to music in chest-high water.
BELIQUORSBELIQUOR v. to soak with liquor.
BLOQUISTEBloquiste n. (Canadian politics) A member of the Bloc Québécois.
Bloquiste adj. (Canadian politics) Pertaining to the Bloc Québécois.
BLOQUISTE n. (Canadian) a supporter of autonomy for Quebec.
BOUTIQUESboutiques n. Plural of boutique.
BOUTIQUE n. (French) a shop, or department in a store, selling (esp. fashionable) clothes or accessories.
BOUTIQUEYboutiquey adj. (Informal) Resembling a boutique (fashionable shop) or some aspect of one.
BOUTIQUEY adj. like a boutique.
CHIBOUQUEchibouque n. Alternative form of chibouk.
CHIBOUQUE n. (Turkish) a long straight-stemmed Turkish tobacco pipe, also CHIBOUK.
OBLIQUELYobliquely adv. In an oblique manner; sideways.
OBLIQUE adv. slanting.
OBLIQUESTobliquest adj. Superlative form of oblique: most oblique.
OBLIQUE adj. slanting.
OBLIQUINGobliquing v. Present participle of oblique.
OBLIQUE v. (obsolete) to deviate from a direct line.
OBLIQUITYobliquity n. The quality of being oblique in direction, deviating from the horizontal or vertical; or the angle created…
obliquity n. (Astronomy, by extension, of a planet) Axial tilt.
obliquity n. Mental or moral deviation or perversity; immorality.
OBLOQUIALOBLOQUIAL adj. relating to obloquy.
OBLOQUIESobloquies n. Plural of obloquy.
OBLOQUY n. abusive language.
OBSEQUIALobsequial adj. Relating to an obsequy or funeral rite.
OBSEQUIAL adj. (Shakespeare) relating to obsequies, funerals.
OBSEQUIESobsequies n. (Plural only) Funeral rites.
obsequies n. Plural of obsequy.
obsequies n. Plural of obsequie.
QUODLIBETquodlibet n. (Music) A form of music with melodies in counterpoint.
quodlibet n. (Art) A form of trompe l’oeil which realistically renders domestic items (paper-knives, playing-cards…
quodlibet n. (Card games) A card game that combines several different contracts.
SOBRIQUETsobriquet n. A familiar name for a person or thing; a nickname (sometimes assumed by the person, but often given…
SOBRIQUET n. (French) a nickname, also SOUBRIQUET.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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