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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing B, I, K, R and U

BAUDRICKEBAUDRICKE n. (Spenser) the zodiac.
BAUDRICKSbaudricks n. Plural of baudrick.
BAUDRICK n. a warrior's sword belt, also BALDRIC, BALDRICK, BAUDRIC, BAWDRIC.
BERKELIUMberkelium n. A transuranic chemical element (symbol Bk) with an atomic number of 97.
BERKELIUM n. a radioactive, metallic element made artificially.
BRUSHLIKEbrushlike adj. Having the form of a brush.
BRUSHLIKE adj. like a brush.
BRUTELIKEbrutelike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a brute.
BRUTELIKE adj. like a brute.
BUNKERINGbunkering v. Present participle of bunker.
bunkering n. (Nautical) The taking on board of bunker fuel.
bunkering n. (Chiefly Nigeria) The illicit removal of oil from a pipeline or other distribution system.
DUIKERBOKduikerbok n. Alternative form of duykerbok.
DUIKERBOK n. (South African) a small South African antelope, also DUIKER, DUYKER.
KNUBBLIERKNUBBLY adj. having little lumps, also NUBBY, KNUBBY.
RUDBECKIArudbeckia n. Any member of the genus Rudbeckia of coneflowers.
Rudbeckia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Asteraceae – coneflowers and black-eyed susans, native to North America.
RUDBECKIA n. (Swedish) a composite plant of the sunflower family.
SHRUBLIKEshrublike adj. Resembling a shrub.
SHRUBLIKE adj. resembling a shrub.
SKUNKBIRDskunkbird n. The bobolink.
SKUNKBIRD n. an American bird, aka bobolink or ricebird.
SUPERBIKEsuperbike n. (Motorcycling) A super sport bike with a large engine, usually between 800 and 1200 cc.
SUPERBIKE n. a high-powered motorbike.
UNBARKINGunbarking v. Present participle of unbark.
UNBARK v. to strip of bark.
UNBRAKINGunbraking v. Present participle of unbrake.
UNBRAKE v. to release a brake.
UNBULKIERUNBULKY adj. not bulky.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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