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There are 20 nine-letter words containing B, 2I, K and N

BAIRNLIKEbairnlike adj. (Scotland and Northern England, rare) Like a bairn; childlike.
BAIRNLIKE adj. (Scots) childlike.
BASINLIKEbasinlike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a basin.
BASINLIKE adj. like a basin.
BEKISSINGbekissing v. Present participle of bekiss.
BEKISS v. to cover with kisses.
BHIKKHUNIbhikkhuni n. A Buddhist nun.
BHIKKHUNI n. (Pali) a fully ordained Buddhist monk, also BHIKHU.
BICKERINGbickering n. Petty quarreling. Usually considered a childish behaviour, although often applied to adults.
bickering v. Present participle of bicker.
BICKERING n. a petty quarrel.
BOOTIKINSbootikins n. Plural of bootikin.
BOOTIKIN n. (obsolete) a little boot, legging, or gaiter.
BRAINSICKbrainsick adj. Disordered in the understanding; giddy; thoughtless.
BRAINSICK adj. diseased in the understanding, deranged.
BRICKINGSbrickings n. Plural of bricking.
BRICKING n. brickwork.
BRICKKILNbrickkiln n. A kiln in which bricks are baked.
BRICKKILN n. a kiln where bricks are made.
BUTTINSKIbuttinski n. (Telecommunications) A robust portable one-piece telephone instrument with clips, used by technicians…
buttinski n. Alternative spelling of buttinsky.
BUTTINSKI n. a person given to butting in, a troublesome meddler, also BUTTINSKY.
ICEBLINKSiceblinks n. Plural of iceblink.
ICEBLINK n. a glare in the sky caused by light reflected off ice.
IMBARKINGimbarking v. Present participle of imbark.
IMBARK v. to enclose in bark.
IMBOSKINGimbosking v. Present participle of imbosk.
IMBOSK v. to go deep into the woods.
KIBITZINGkibitzing v. Present participle of kibitz.
kibitzing n. The action of the verb to kibitz.
KIBITZ v. (Yiddish) to give unwelcome advice, also KIBBITZ.
KIBOSHINGkiboshing v. Present participle of kibosh.
KIBOSH v. to put a stop to, ruin the chances of, also KYBOSH.
KINGBIRDSkingbirds n. Plural of kingbird.
KINGBIRD n. a small American bird, noted for its courage in attacking larger birds, even hawks and eagles, esp. when they approach its nest in the breeding season.
MINIBIKERminibiker n. One who rides a minibike.
MINIBIKER n. one who rides a minibike.
MINIBIKESminibikes n. Plural of minibike.
MINIBIKE n. a small motorcycle.
MINIBREAKminibreak n. A brief pause for relaxation.
minibreak n. A short holiday; a minivacation.
mini-break n. (Tennis) In a tiebreak, a point won against the server when ahead.
STINKBIRDstinkbird n. The hoatzin.
STINKBIRD n. another name for the hoatzin.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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