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There are 16 nine-letter words containing B, H, O, P and U

AQUAPHOBEaquaphobe n. Person who has aquaphobia.
AQUAPHOBE n. one with a morbid fear of water.
AUTOPHOBYautophoby n. Archaic form of autophobia.
AUTOPHOBY n. a shrinking from making any reference to oneself.
BOUGHPOTSboughpots n. Plural of boughpot.
bough␣pots n. Plural of bough pot.
BOUGHPOT n. (archaic) a pot for boughs as an ornament, also BOWPOT.
COPUBLISHcopublish v. (Transitive, music business) To have credit as a publisher of (a work published by another).
copublish v. (Transitive) To jointly with another publisher publish (a work).
co-publish v. Alternative spelling of copublish.
EUPHOBIASEUPHOBIA n. a fear of good news.
EUPHORBIAeuphorbia n. Any plant of the genus Euphorbia, the spurges.
Euphorbia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Euphorbiaceae – the spurges, with numerous flowering plant species…
EUPHORBIA n. any herb or shrub of the spurge family.
PABOUCHESpabouches n. Plural of pabouche.
PABOUCHE n. (French) an Oriental heelless slipper, also BABOOSH, BABOUCHE, BABUCHE.
PHOEBUSESPHOEBUS n. (Latin) a sun god; the sun.
PHOTOTUBEphototube n. A gas-filled electron tube that has a photosensitive cathode.
PHOTOTUBE n. an electron tube with a photoemissive cathode.
PLOUGHBOYploughboy n. (Historical) A boy who directed the animals that pulled a plough.
PLOUGHBOY n. a boy who drives or guides horses in ploughing, also PLOWBOY.
PREBOUGHTprebought v. Simple past tense and past participle of prebuy.
PREBUY v. to buy in advance.
PUNCHBOWLpunchbowl n. A large bowl used for making or serving punch (the beverage).
Punchbowl prop.n. A valley in Belfield, Canterbury-Bankstown, South West Sydney, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.
Punchbowl prop.n. A suburb of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia in Canterbury-Bankstown, South West Sydney.
SUBEPOCHSsubepochs n. Plural of subepoch.
SUBEPOCH n. a subdivision of an epoch.
THUMBPOTSthumbpots n. Plural of thumbpot.
THUMBPOT n. a very small flowerpot.
UNBISHOPSunbishops v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unbishop.
UNBISHOP v. to deprive of the status of bishop.
UPBROUGHTupbrought v. Simple past tense and past participle of upbring.
UPBRING v. to bring up.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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