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There are 19 nine-letter words containing B, H and 3O

BLOODSHOTbloodshot adj. (Of the eyes) Reddened and inflamed because of congested blood vessels.
BLOODSHOT adj. of the eye, red or inflamed with blood.
BOATHOOKSboathooks n. Plural of boathook.
boat-hooks n. Plural of boat-hook (alternative spelling of boathooks).
boat␣hooks n. Plural of boat hook.
BONHOMOUSbonhomous adj. Good-natured; full of bonhomie.
BONHOMOUS adj. full of bonhomie, good nature; pleasant and easy manner.
BOOHOOINGboohooing v. Present participle of boohoo.
BOOHOO v. to cry.
BOOKSHOPSbookshops n. Plural of bookshop.
book␣shops n. Plural of book shop.
BOOKSHOP n. a shop that sells books.
BOSTHOONSBOSTHOON n. (Irish) a boor.
HOMOEOBOXhomoeobox n. Alternative spelling of homeobox.
HOMOEOBOX adj. of genes, that regulate the development of multicellular animals and plants, also HOMEOBOX.
HOMOPHOBEhomophobe n. A person who is prejudiced against homosexuals and homosexuality.
homophobe n. A person who is prejudiced against the LGBTQ+ community.
homophobe n. A person who fears sameness.
HOOFBOUNDhoofbound n. (Dated) Deformative contraction and dryness of the back part of the hoof of a horse.
hoofbound adj. (Dated) Of a horse: exhibiting deformative contraction and dryness of the back part of the hoof.
HOOFBOUND adj. of a horse, having dry contracted hooves, with resultant pain and lameness.
HORNBOOKShornbooks n. Plural of hornbook.
HORNBOOK n. an ancient child's schoolbook comprising alphabet, digits, etc. on parchment covered with sheet of horn.
HOTBLOODSHOTBLOOD n. a reckless person.
PHOTOBLOGphotoblog n. A type of blog designed primarily to showcase photographs.
PHOTOBLOG n. a blog in the form of a series of photographs.
PHOTOBLOG v. to keep a photoblog.
PHOTOBOMBphotobomb v. (Transitive) To unexpectedly appear in a photograph, especially so as to ruin the picture.
photobomb n. An act of photobombing.
photobomb n. A photo containing someone or something that is photobombing.
SCHOOLBOYschoolboy n. A boy attending school.
schoolboy adj. Characteristic of a schoolboy, especially being cheeky, clumsy and socially unaware.
SCHOOLBOY n. a boy who attends school.
TOLBOOTHStolbooths n. Plural of tolbooth.
TOLBOOTH n. (Scots) a town hall, a prison, also TOLLBOOTH.
TOLLBOOTHtollbooth n. (Scotland) (In this sense usually spelt tolbooth) The traditional municipal building of a Scottish town…
tollbooth n. Alternative spelling of toll booth.
toll␣booth n. A booth on a toll road or toll bridge where the toll is collected.
TOOTHCOMBtoothcomb n. (Britain, chiefly figurative, sometimes proscribed) A comb with finely spaced teeth, chiefly as a metaphorical…
toothcomb v. (Rare) To use a toothcomb on (something).
toothcomb v. (Figurative) To search (something) thoroughly.
ZOOPHOBESzoophobes n. Plural of zoophobe.
ZOOPHOBE n. one who fears or hates animals.
ZOOPHOBIAzoophobia n. An unusual fear of animals.
zoöphobia n. Alternative spelling of zoophobia.
ZOOPHOBIA n. fear of animals.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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