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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing B, H, I and 2N

BANISHINGbanishing v. Present participle of banish.
banishing n. A magical ritual intended to remove negative spiritual influences.
BANISH v. to expel, exile.
BENIGHTENbenighten v. (Obsolete, transitive) To benight.
BENIGHTEN v. to overtake with night, also BENIGHT.
BENTHONICbenthonic adj. Synonym of benthic.
BENTHONIC adj. living on the sea bottom, also BENTHAL, BENTHIC, BENTHOAL.
BESHININGbeshining v. Present participle of beshine.
BESHINE v. (archaic) to light up.
BLANCHINGblanching v. Present participle of blanch.
blanching n. The act by which something is blanched.
BLANCH v. to whiten.
BLENCHINGblenching v. Present participle of blench.
blenching n. The act of one who blenches.
BLENCH v. to shrink or flinch.
BRANCHINGbranching v. Present participle of branch.
branching n. A process of forming a branch.
BRANCHING n. the formation of a branch.
BRUNCHINGbrunching v. Present participle of brunch.
BRUNCH v. to eat a late morning meal.
BUNCHINGSbunchings n. Plural of bunching.
BUNCHING n. the act of grouping together.
CHINBONESchinbones n. Plural of chinbone.
CHINBONE n. the lower jaw.
HAMBONINGhamboning v. Present participle of hambone.
HAMBONE v. to overact, also HAM.
HINDBRAINhindbrain n. (Neuroanatomy) The posterior part of the brain, comprising the cerebellum, pons and medulla, the rhombencephalon.
HINDBRAIN n. the posterior of the three principal divisions of the brain.
INFOBAHNSinfobahns n. Plural of infobahn.
INFOBAHN n. an information superhighway such as the Internet.
SHINBONESshinbones n. Plural of shinbone.
SHINBONE n. the tibia.
SHUBUNKINshubunkin n. A Japanese variety of goldfish.
SHUBUNKIN n. (Japanese) a type of variegated, large-finned goldfish.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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