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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 20 nine-letter words containing B, H, I, M and U

AMBUSHINGambushing v. Present participle of ambush.
ambushing n. An ambush.
AMBUSH v. to attack from a concealed place.
BIGMOUTHSbigmouths n. Plural of bigmouth.
big␣mouths n. Plural of big mouth.
BIGMOUTH n. a loud conceited person.
BISMUTHALbismuthal adj. Containing bismuth.
BISMUTHAL adj. of or like bismuth.
BISMUTHICbismuthic adj. (Chemistry) Of, or containing bismuth in its higher valence.
BISMUTHIC adj. containing bismuth in its higher valence; as, bismuthic oxide.
BOTHRIUMSBOTHRIUM n. (Latin) a groove on a tapeworm.
BRACHIUMSBRACHIUM n. (Latin) the upper arm; the segment of the fore limb between the shoulder and the elbow.
BRONCHIUMbronchium n. (Anatomy, usually in the plural) A bronchial tube; a subdivision of the bronchus.
BRONCHIUM n. (Latin) a small branch of the windpipe.
CHERUBIMScherubims n. (Irregular) plural of cherub.
cherubims n. Plural of cherubim.
CHERUB n. (Hebrew) an angel.
DUMBSHITSdumbshits n. Plural of dumbshit.
dumb-shits n. Plural of dumb-shit.
dumb␣shits n. Plural of dumb shit.
HERBARIUMherbarium n. A collection of dried plants or parts of plants.
herbarium n. A building or institution where such a collection is kept.
HERBARIUM n. a collection of preserved plants and herbs.
HOMEBUILThomebuilt adj. Constructed at home, rather than being obtained from a manufacturer etc.
HOMEBUILT adj. built at home.
HUMBLINGShumblings n. Plural of humbling.
HUMBLING n. the act of humbling.
RHIZOBIUMrhizobium n. (Biology) Any of various bacteria, of the genus Rhizobium, that form nodules on the roots of legumes and fix nitrogen.
rhizobium n. (Biology, by extension) Any diazotrophic bacterium that can fix nitrogen and form root nodules in legumes.
Rhizobium prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Rhizobiaceae – soil bacteria that fix nitrogen in association with…
RHUMBAINGrhumbaing v. Present participle of rhumba.
RHUMBA v. (Spanish) to dance a lively Spanish dance, also RUMBA.
THUMBIESTTHUMBY adj. like thumbs, clumsy.
THUMBKINSthumbkins n. Plural of thumbkin.
THUMBKIN n. (Scots) an instrument of torture for compressing the thumb; a thumbscrew, also THUMBIKINS.
THUMBLIKEthumblike adj. Resembling a thumb.
THUMBLIKE adj. like a thumb.
THUMBLINGthumbling n. A tiny, thumb-sized person; manikin.
thumbling n. Anything small, comparable to the size of a human thumb.
THUMBLING n. a diminutive being, a dwarf.
THUMBNAILthumbnail n. The fingernail on the thumb.
thumbnail n. A rough sketch (e.g., the size of one’s thumbnail).
thumbnail n. (Chiefly computing) A small picture, used as a compact representation of a larger image.
UMEBOSHISUMEBOSHI n. (Japanese) a pickled ume fruit, having a distinctive sour and salty flavour.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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