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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing B, G and 3L

BALLGIRLSballgirls n. Plural of ballgirl.
ball␣girls n. Plural of ball girl.
BALLGIRL n. a girl who retrieves balls during a game.
BLOGROLLSblogrolls n. Plural of blogroll.
blog␣rolls n. Plural of blog roll.
BLOGROLL n. a list of blogs.
BLUEGILLSbluegills n. Plural of bluegill.
BLUEGILL n. an edible sunfish.
GLABELLAEglabellae n. Plural of glabella.
GLABELLA n. (Latin) the smooth area between the eyebrows.
GLABELLARglabellar adj. Of, or pertaining to, the glabella.
GLABELLAR adj. relating to the glabella, the space between the eyebrows, just above the nose.
GLUEBALLSglueballs n. Plural of glueball.
GLUEBALL n. a hypothetical subatomic particle consisting exclusively of gluons bound together.
GOALBALLSGOALBALL n. a game for the sight impaired.
ILLEGIBLEillegible adj. Not clear enough to be read; unreadable; not legible or decipherable.
ILLEGIBLE adj. not legible.
ILLEGIBLYillegibly adv. In a manner that produces illegible results.
ILLEGIBLE adv. not legible.
LABELLINGlabelling v. Present participle of label.
labelling n. Alternative form of labeling.
LABELLING n. the act of attaching a tag to.
LIBELLINGlibelling v. Present participle of libel.
LIBELLING n. the act of making a libel.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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