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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 20 nine-letter words containing B, F, 2L and O

BEDFELLOWbedfellow n. One with whom one shares a bed.
bedfellow n. (By extension) An associate, often an otherwise improbable one.
BEDFELLOW n. one who shares a bed.
BELLYFLOPbellyflop n. Alternative form of belly flop.
bellyflop v. Alternative spelling of belly flop.
belly-flop n. Alternative spelling of belly flop.
BILLFOLDSbillfolds n. Plural of billfold.
BILLFOLD n. a wallet.
BLINDFOLDblindfold n. A covering, usually a bandage, for the eyes, blocking light to the eyes.
blindfold n. Something that obscures vision (literally or metaphorically).
blindfold adj. Having the eyes covered so as to obscure vision.
BLOWFLIESblowflies n. Plural of blowfly.
BLOWFLY n. a type of fly.
BOTTLEFULbottleful n. As much as a bottle will hold.
BOTTLEFUL n. the contents of a bottle.
BULLFROGSbullfrogs n. Plural of bullfrog.
BULLFROG n. a large frog.
FALLBOARDfallboard n. (Music) The hinged cover which protects the keyboard of a piano when not in use.
FALLBOARD n. a cover for a piano keyboard.
FLOATABLEfloatable adj. That may be floated.
floatable n. (Usually in the plural) Anything that floats.
FLOATABLE adj. that may be floated.
FLOGGABLEfloggable adj. Able to be flogged.
floggable adj. For which a person can be flogged.
FLOGGABLE adj. of an offence, punishable by flogging.
FLOODABLEfloodable adj. Able to be flooded.
FLOODABLE adj. that can be flooded.
FOOTBALLSfootballs n. Plural of football.
foot-balls n. Plural of foot-ball.
foot␣balls n. Plural of foot ball.
FORKBALLSforkballs n. Plural of forkball.
FORKBALL n. a breaking pitch in baseball.
FOURBALLSfourballs n. Plural of fourball.
four-balls n. Plural of four-ball.
FOURBALL n. a golf game for four golfers in teams of two.
FULLBLOODfull-blood n. A pure-bred animal.
full-blood n. (Australia, now offensive) An Aboriginal person of unmixed ancestry.
FULLBLOOD n. a person of unmixed race.
GOOFBALLSgoofballs n. Plural of goofball.
GOOFBALL n. (US) a barbiturate pill used as an exhilarant; a goofy person.
KORFBALLSkorfballs n. Plural of korfball.
KORFBALL n. (Dutch) a basketball-like game played between two teams of six men and six women each.
LIFEBLOODlifeblood n. Blood that is needed for continued life; blood regarded as the seat of life.
lifeblood n. (Figuratively) That which is required for continued existence or function.
LIFEBLOOD n. the blood necessary to life.
SOFTBALLSsoftballs n. Plural of softball.
SOFTBALL n. an American game similar to baseball.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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