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There are 20 nine-letter words containing B, E, O, T and X

ABOITEAUXaboiteaux n. Plural of aboiteau.
ABOITEAU n. (French) a tide gate, also ABOIDEAU.
BEATBOXEDbeatboxed v. Simple past tense and past participle of beatbox.
BEATBOX v. to use a kind of drum machine.
BEATBOXERbeatboxer n. (Music) A performer who imitates the sound of musical instruments, especially percussion, with his or her voice.
BEATBOXER n. one who practises beatboxing, using a drum machine.
BEATBOXESbeatboxes n. Plural of beatbox.
beatboxes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of beatbox.
BEATBOX v. to use a kind of drum machine.
BOSTRYXESbostryxes n. Plural of bostryx.
BOSTRYX n. (Greek) a type of inflorescence, a way in which flower stems are arranged.
EXHIBITORexhibitor n. Someone who exhibits something.
exhibitor n. Someone who organizes an exhibition. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
EXHIBITOR n. one who exhibits, also EXHIBITER.
EXTRABOLDextrabold adj. (Typography) Very bold.
EXTRABOLD n. a very bold typeface.
LETTERBOXletterbox n. (Chiefly UK) A box into which mail is put.
letterbox n. A hidden container that holds a logbook and rubber stamp, found by following clues as a form of recreation.
letterbox n. (Mountaineering) A rectangular hole or slot.
LISTBOXESlistboxes n. Plural of listbox.
list␣boxes n. Plural of list box.
LISTBOX n. a box on a computer screen that contains a list of options.
POSTBOXESpostboxes n. Plural of postbox, an alternative spelling of post box.
post-boxes n. Plural of post-box.
post␣boxes n. Plural of post box.
RATTLEBOXrattlebox n. A toy that makes a rattle sound; a rattle.
rattlebox n. An American herb (Crotalaria sagittalis), whose ripe seeds rattle in the inflated pod.
rattlebox n. Any species of Crotalaria, a genus of yellow-flowered herbs, with inflated, many-seeded pods.
SALTBOXESsaltboxes n. Plural of saltbox.
salt␣boxes n. Plural of salt box.
SALTBOX n. a box for holding salt.
SUBCORTEXsubcortex n. The part of the brain that lies directly below the cortex.
SUBCORTEX n. a part of the cortex.
TALKBOXEStalkboxes n. Plural of talkbox.
talk␣boxes n. Plural of talk box.
TALKBOX n. a device for modulating a guitar's sound to be speech-like.
TEXTBOOKStextbooks n. Plural of textbook.
TEXTBOOK n. a book used in the study of a subject.
TINDERBOXtinderbox n. (Historical) A small container containing flint, steel, and tinder (dry, finely-divided fibrous matter)…
tinderbox n. (By extension) A place that is so dry and hot that there is danger of fire.
tinderbox n. (Figurative) A potentially dangerous situation.
TOOLBOXEStoolboxes n. Plural of toolbox.
TOOLBOX n. a box for tools.
TUCKBOXEStuck␣boxes n. Plural of tuck box.
TUCKBOX n. a box used for carrying and storing food, esp. one taken to boarding school.
TUCKERBOXtuckerbox n. (Australia) lunchbox.
tucker-box n. Alternative form of tuckerbox.
tucker␣box n. Alternative form of tuckerbox.
XENOBLASTxenoblast n. A crystal forming in a metamorphic rock that has not developed its characteristic crystalline faces…
XENOBLAST n. a type of mineral deposit.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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