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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing B, E, O and 2P

APPOSABLEapposable adj. (Anatomy) Capable of being apposed, or applied one to another, as the thumb to the fingers of the hand;…
APPOSABLE adj. that can be apposed.
APPROBATEapprobate adj. Approved.
approbate v. (Transitive) To give official sanction, consent or authorization to.
APPROBATE v. to approve expressly or formally.
BARHOPPEDbarhopped v. Simple past tense and past participle of barhop.
bar␣hopped v. Simple past tense and past participle of bar hop.
BARHOP v. to go from one bar to another.
BEBOPPERSbeboppers n. Plural of bebopper.
BEBOPPER n. one who plays bebop, a kind of jazz music, also BOPPER.
BEBOPPINGbebopping v. Present participle of bebop.
BEBOP v. to play a style of jazz.
BEDROPPEDbedropped v. Simple past tense and past participle of bedrop.
BEDROP v. to sprinkle as with drops.
BLOWPIPESblowpipes n. Plural of blowpipe.
BLOWPIPE n. a long straight tube from which an arrow, pellet, etc. is blown by the breath, also BLOWGUN, BLOWTUBE.
DROPPABLEdroppable adj. Capable of being dropped (especially by an aircraft).
droppable n. (Graphical user interface) A component onto which the user can drag other items; a drop target.
DROPPABLE adj. that can be dropped.
OPPOSABLEopposable adj. Susceptible to being opposed or resisted.
opposable adj. Capable of being placed opposite something else.
OPPOSABLE adj. that can be opposed.
PAPERBOYSpaperboys n. Plural of paperboy.
PAPERBOY n. a newsboy.
PEPPERBOXpepperbox n. A pepper shaker.
pepperbox n. (Firearms) A repeating firearm with three or more barrels grouped around a central axis.
pepperbox n. A buttress at one side of the court in the game of fives.
PREPUEBLOprepueblo adj. Prior to communities based around a pueblo.
PREPUEBLO adj. belonging to the period before the Pueblo Indians.
PRESBYOPEpresbyope n. (Medicine) One who has presbyopia: a farsighted person.
PRESBYOPE n. one who has presbyopia; a farsighted person.
PRESBYOPYpresbyopy n. Dated form of presbyopia.
PRESBYOPY n. long-sightedness in old age, also PRESBYOPIA.
STOPPABLEstoppable adj. Capable of being stopped.
STOPPABLE adj. that can be stopped.
SWOPPABLEswoppable adj. Alternative form of swappable.
SWOPPABLE adj. capable of being swoppe, also SWAPPABLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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