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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 18 nine-letter words containing B, E, M, T and Y

AMBROTYPEambrotype n. (Photography, historical) An early type of photograph in which a glass negative appears positive when…
AMBROTYPE n. a picture taken on a plate of prepared glass, in which the lights are represented in silver, and the shades are produced by a dark background visible through the un-silvered portions of the glass.
AMEBOCYTEamebocyte n. Alternative spelling of amoebocyte.
AMEBOCYTE n. a cell, like a leukocyte, having amoeboid form, also AMOEBOCYTE.
BAROMETRYbarometry n. The art or process of making barometrical measurements.
BAROMETRY n. the art or process of making barometrical measurements.
BOLOMETRYbolometry n. The use of a bolometer.
BOLOMETRY n. measurement by a bolometer, an instrument for measuring radiant energy or infrared light.
EMBAYMENTembayment n. A bay. (the water)
embayment n. The shoreline of a bay, an indentation in a shoreline. (the land, not the water)
embayment n. A topographical feature that used to be a bay, like the Mississippi embayment.
EMBRYOTICembryotic adj. Embryonic.
EMBRYOTIC adj. of or pertaining to an embryo.
ESTIMABLYestimably adv. In an estimable manner; deserving of esteem.
ESTIMABLE adv. worthy of regard.
LAMBENTLYlambently adv. In a lambent manner, brightly.
LAMBENT adv. flickering like a flame.
LOBECTOMYlobectomy n. (Surgery) The surgical removal of a lobe from an organ such as the lung or the brain.
LOBECTOMY n. the surgical excision of a lobe.
MEBIBYTESmebibytes n. Plural of mebibyte.
MEBIBYTE n. 2 to the power of 20 bytes.
MEGABYTESmegabytes n. Plural of megabyte.
MEGABYTE n. 1,048,576 bytes.
MOLYBDATEmolybdate n. (Chemistry) The anion MoO42-.
molybdate n. (Chemistry) Any salt of molybdic acid.
MOLYBDATE n. a salt of molybdic acid.
MONEYBELTmoneybelt n. Alternative form of money belt.
money␣belt n. A belt concealed under clothing, having a pocket for money or other documents.
MONEYBELT n. a belt for carrying money.
SUBSYSTEMsubsystem n. Alternative spelling of sub-system.
sub-system n. A group of related components that are part of a larger system.
SUBSYSTEM n. part of a system.
SYMBIOTESsymbiotes n. Plural of symbiote.
SYMBIOTE n. (Greek) an organism living in close association with another, also SYMBIONT, SYMBION, SYMBIOT.
TUBECTOMYtubectomy n. (Surgery) salpingectomy.
TUBECTOMY n. the surgical cutting or removal of the Fallopian tubes.
YTTERBIUMytterbium n. A metallic chemical element (symbol Yb) with an atomic number of 70.
ytterbium n. A single atom of this element.
YTTERBIUM n. (Swedish) a rare element of the boron group.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 78 words
  • Scrabble in French: 15 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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