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There are 17 nine-letter words containing B, E, J, R and S

BEJABBERSbejabbers n. Bejesus.
BEJABBERS interj. an interjection attributed to Irish speakers, also BEJABERS, BEJEEBERS.
BEJEEBERSbejeebers n. (Slang) Mental soundness, wits.
BEJEEBERS interj. an interjection attributed to Irish speakers, also BEJABBERS, BEJABERS.
BIJWONERSbijwoners n. Plural of bijwoner.
BIJWONER n. (South African) the subtenant of a farm; an agricultural labourer, also BYWONER.
BOERTJIESBOERTJIE n. (South African) friend, as a form of greeting.
JABBERERSjabberers n. Plural of jabberer.
JABBERER n. one who jabbers.
JAMBOREESjamborees n. Plural of jamboree.
JAMBOREE n. a noisy celebration.
JAMBUSTERjambuster n. (Manitoba, Northwestern Ontario) A doughnut filled with jam.
JAMBUSTER n. (Canadian) a jelly-filled doughnut.
JARLSBERGJARLSBERG n. (tradename) a Norwegian cheese.
JAWBONERSjawboners n. Plural of jawboner.
JAWBONER n. one who engages in jawboning, i.e. governmental urging of industry to accept wage restraints etc.
JEROBOAMSjeroboams n. Plural of jeroboam.
Jeroboams n. Plural of Jeroboam.
JEROBOAM n. an oversize wine bottle holding about four 26-ounce quarts.
JOBBERIESjobberies n. Plural of jobbery.
JOBBERY n. the conduct of public business for private gain.
JOBSEEKERjobseeker n. A person seeking employment.
jobseeker n. (Britain) An unemployed person who needs to prove he/she is looking for work in order to obtain government benefits.
JOBSEEKER n. one engaged in seeking employment.
JOBSHARESjobshares n. Plural of jobshare.
JOBSHARE n. the practice of dividing one job between two.
OBJECTORSobjectors n. Plural of objector.
OBJECTOR n. one that objects.
REOBJECTSREOBJECT v. to object again.
RESUBJECTresubject v. (Transitive) To subject again.
RESUBJECT v. to subject again.
TURBOJETSturbojets n. Plural of turbojet.
TURBOJET n. a type of jet engine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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